when the thermometer reads 40 degrees in Rome –

Scorching heat, humidity and the thermometer that will reach 40 degrees between Monday and Thursday of next week. Critical days are expected in Rome and throughout Lazio, where the great heat has begun to make itself felt, creating inconveniences and possible consequences for the health of citizens and tourists. In these days there is an ongoing “high tension promontory of African origin that will mostly affect the central-southern regions of the country”, explained to “Agenzia Nova” the climatologist of the Cnr Ibe, Gianni Messeri. In Lazio, in particular over the weekend, temperatures, starting from 30 degrees on the coast and 35-36 degrees in the plains today, “will tend to rise by regarding one degree each day, reaching a maximum of 39-40 degrees on Monday. A slight drop is expected on Tuesday, while on Wednesday and Thursday we will return to almost 40 degrees”, he stated.

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With the heat emergency, health risks also increase, especially for the elderly and frail. The most frequent ailments are sunstroke, cramps, fainting and edema. But there are also more serious health consequences, such as congestion, heat stroke, dehydration. In the Lazio Region, the Plan to protect the population most at risk from heat waves has been operational since July 1, aimed at people aged 65 and over and those with particular pathologies. “The health risks focus above all on the elderly and those with chronic pathologies such as heart disease, diabetes or other, even if the risks are also present for healthy people”, explained the president of the Order of Physicians of Rome, Antonio Magi. “These temperatures, combined with the high level of humidity – he clarified – if there is not a diet rich in liquids, fruit and vegetables, can create problems”.

#thermometer #reads #degrees #Rome #Tempo
2024-07-14 08:34:40



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