when the second wave arrives –

A heat wave that is about to run out, rain and storms also in the South to break up the summer, a resurgence of the African anticyclone that will make the first days of August hot. The weather forecast for the end of July is given by Colonel Mario Giuliacci which starts by talking about the rainfall expected in Italy in the next few days. Thursday, July 25th we will have some isolated thunderstorms in Piedmont, Lombardy, Liguria, Trentino and the Emilian reliefs. On Friday, July 26th some rainfall will reach Sicily: “Finally, but these are just a few thunderstorms that will not solve the drought”, explains the expert in a video on the YouTube channel MeteoGiuliacci. After a break in the last weekend of July, showers will be seen from August 1st until August 7th.

August is also marked. Giuliacci: Powerful blaze; the scorching days

But what awaits us from the point of view of temperature? The current heat wave “is about to end”, explains Giuliacci. This summer the peak was reached between June 18 and 19 “when 40% of the locations in Italy exceeded 35 degrees”. In recent days this percentage has dropped to 1%. “This heat wave is about to die out”, explains the weather expert, but “be careful though, from Saturday 27 July there will be a new intense heat wave especially in the Center South due to a fleeting return of the African anticyclone, but between August 1 and 5 the Atlantic currents will return temperatures will tend to drop below 35 degrees in the center south and around 30 degrees in northern Italy”.

#wave #arrives #Tempo
2024-07-28 01:42:36



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