when the “hot flash” – The Time

The drastic drop in temperatures will not spell the end of the summer season. Word of Colonel Mario Giuliacci, who with an intervention published on meteogiuliacci.it has released the latest forecasts. In the last few hours, in fact, the great heat has taken a step back and has given way to showers and thunderstorms in much of the Italian peninsula. However, we must not delude ourselves. Soon, in fact, a new “flame” will steal the scene from the instability. “This does not mean that the cooling has already come to an end, quite the opposite: for a few days, temperatures will in fact fluctuate around normal values ​​for the second half of August, moreover with low humidity levels and therefore with little mugginess”, the expert clarified clearly.

Lots of thunderstorms. Giuliacci warns: when temperatures rise

What should we expect? When will thermometers start recording high temperatures again? According to the latest forecast models, “high pressure will gradually approach our country again starting from Wednesday, but only in the last part of the week will it decisively occupy the Peninsula”, explained Giuliacci. A “annoying” heat will prevail starting from Friday 23 August. There is, however, some good news. No new “excessive peaks” are expected. To demonstrate this statement, it should be taken into account that over the weekend “maximum temperatures will be between 29 and 35 degrees almost everywhere, with some peaks of 36-37 degrees and moderate mugginess”.

#hot #flash #Time
2024-08-23 10:11:13



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