“When the heat will end”, the key date –

The latest weather updates leave no room for doubt, the long phase of heat in Italy is destined to continue for a long time. Indeed, “a new phase of subtropical origin lasting many days” is on the way, announces Colonel Mario Giuliacci. In short, sun, heat and mugginess will be felt starting from Sunday 28 July and will be broken only by isolated thunderstorms in the Alpine areas.

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But how long will it last? Are there any disturbances in sight that could reverse the trend? To review the rain, the expert presses on the site MeteoGiuliacci“we will therefore have to wait for a disturbance capable of sinking decisively towards our Peninsula”. It is unlikely that this will happen before August 2-3. In the first days of the month preferred by Italians for travel, holidays and vacations, it is possible that an Atlantic disturbance will appear on the Peninsula bringing rain and storms especially in the north and center.

#heat #key #date #Tempo
2024-07-26 23:22:03



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