when the desire for power puts the party at risk –

when the desire for power puts the party at risk –
Look Brunello

Like a cat on a ring road. That is, it is the maximum time granted to those who have the fortune of (trying) to be the secretary of the Democratic Party. A golden rule, included in the party’s substantial statute, since its foundation. So the one who paid the price for the new “disposable” model was none other than the first unwary tenant of the Nazareno, the king of “but also”, Walter Veltroni. The former mayor of Rome, at the head of a coalition that also included Antonio Di Pietro’s unforgettable Italy of Values, was beaten by Silvio Berlusconi in the 2008 elections, despite obtaining a significant percentage. Naturally, for the current leaders, the “yogurt” had already expired, the controversy intensified, and “poor” Veltroni was forced to resign. The secretary’s most frantic opponent had been Pierluigi Bersani, coincidentally, his successor. After Bersani, it is Matteo Renzi’s turn, who challenged the former president of the Emilia Romagna Region, during two primaries, one lost, the other won. As happened to the first two, also the former prime minister, at first, records the “conformism” of the Democratic ruling class. In practice, first all adversaries, then quickly close friends. So the honeymoon, usually, for the tenant of the Nazareno, is all in all calm, the parliamentary groups bow, the “top brass” take their measure. As soon as the unfortunate secretary settles in, the headaches begin, the distinctions between the factions, the demands of the “vote-bringers”. In practice, a life of hell.

when the desire for power puts the party at risk –

A destiny that following Renzi, passes to Nicola Zingaretti (who anticipated everyone by resigning in record time) and Enrico Letta, burned by the stinging electoral defeat with Giorgia Meloni. With Elly Schlein, the wheel has started turning once more, in the same way, with a few small changes. Elly wins the primaries (losing those reserved for members) with a little help from outside, or with the contribution of the M5S voters. To say that from the beginning, she was seen a bit like a “Martian”, little in common with the PD. She immediately announces the war once morest the factions (on the other hand as Letta did), despite having several among her supporters from the beginning, from Dario Franceschini to Andrea Orlando.

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The former Minister of Culture already deserves an honorary mention: he is the true Democratic king maker, the one who elects and destroys all the tenants of the Nazarene. Since he lost the primaries with Pierluigi Bersani, he has specialized in the “Paolo Sorrentino” branch: he wants to have the power to make other people’s parties fail. That is, to dump them, following having brought them to the altars. Exactly as happened with the “Martian”, who is now calling for party reform. That is, the expulsion of the factions. An alarm that has resounded loud and clear precisely to the king maker, who has wasted no time: he is back on track with a sort of big current, which would start in the meantime with Roberto Speranza. But with the ambition of actually federating other bigwigs. With the noble intent of helping the secretary, and the less noble one of starting her succession. In short, everything is already planned.

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#desire #power #puts #party #risk #Tempo
2024-07-10 03:37:33

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