When the Communist Roussel sets the plates on fire!

Fabien Roussel provokes an uproar by defending French gastronomy

Fabien Roussel provokes an uproar by defending French gastronomy

EDITORIAL – Sectarian ecologists attacked Fabien Roussel who called for French gastronomy to be accessible to all. A new illustration of the drift of a certain radical left and the missed opportunity to relaunch the debate on junk food.

What we eat is… political! Fabien Roussel gave new proof of this when he set the plates on fire – and the Internet -, asserting on France 3 “that a good wine, a good meat, a good cheese… it was French gastronomy and that the best means of defending it is to allow the French to have access to it “. A priori, not enough to whip a cat or a man’s cream that he seems to be, was he a Communist!

However, sectarian environmentalists attacked him strongly, passing him off as “a handsome identity”, “a retarded and drunk hunter who promotes alcoholism”, “an extreme right-handed sausage big red that stains”. The vegans were particularly sour, and the inescapable Sandrine Rousseau added his seed, recommending him to get “couscous!” A new illustration, if it were necessary, of the drift of a part of the radical left which sees fascist everywhere, and first of all in the comrade next door. But it is also, alas, a missed opportunity to relaunch the debate on junk food in a campaign that is particularly poor!

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When a certain “left” loses the compass

The PCF showed humor by noting “that in the past the Communists were accused of eating small children” and that now “they are accused of eating meat! There is progress!” But he might have taken the opportunity to go further, because healthy eating is one of the questions that most preoccupies the French, a question which has also passed… under the table. However, the social divide is rife there too, there first. Junk food, consequently obesity and vascular diseases in particular, it is the working classes who are first victims. Environmentalists themselves might have risen and made their voices heard – well – regarding good wine, without pesticides, good meat that is not factory-farmed, good cheese from milk that is not tampered with. Some have raised their voices in this direction, such as the Green MEP David Cormand: “I ardently wish to put the subject on the table, because there is nothing more political than what one eats. And we must therefore always wonder regarding the origin and the quality of the products, the circuits And the cost of food, and the huge profits made by seed trusts and training industries, which are as powerful as GAFAM. “

“Whatever the cost” …

We might also look at what happens to “good butter“that Fabien Roussel might have put on his menu. Because, in three months, the price of the plate has been increased by more than 30%! Because of speculation, they say, and the increase in consumption… Chinese If a similar increase continues, the French might soon be forced to deprive themselves of what constitutes the French art de vivre.First of all in Brittany, of course … But not only: all our gastronomy imbued with this fatty and creamy matter that the Church has long banned. What will happen if tomorrow we cannot… “put butter in the spinach”? If the politicians no longer have the opportunity to argue for have access to the butter plate? If we no longer have the leisure to claim “the butter, the money of the butter and the kiss of the dairyman”? And I’m not talking regarding the early morning croissant which makes our reputation The one who understood the importance of this food issue is Michel-Edouard Leclerc who i pay myself big ads these days for “the baguette”. With this text “Edouard Leclerc blocks the price of the baguette: 0.29 euros… There are symbols that must be defended at all costs”. As the host of the Elysee would say, “whatever the cost”!



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