When mental illness comes into the family…

2023-04-26 08:00:03
In France, if more than 3 million people live with severe psychiatric disorders, it is estimated that 4.5 million people support them on a daily basis. Indeed, the mental disorder does not only affect the patient, but also his entourage who must deal with the disease on a daily basis. How to support a loved one in illness? How to deal with this upheaval in the family? How to take care of your own health when you are a caregiver? Dr Romain Rey, psychiatrist, head of the Schizophrenia Expert Center of the FondaMental Foundation at Le Vinatier Hospital in Bron. Head of the Center Lyonnais des Aides en Psychiatrie (CLAP) Marie-Jeanne Richard, President of Unafam (National Union of Families and Friends of Sick and/or Disabled Persons) Dr Adama Koundoul, Chief Physician of the Émile Badiane Psychiatric Center in Ziguinchor , in Senegal. Lecturer assimilated at the level of the Training and Research Unit (UFR) of Health Sciences of the Alassane Seck University of Ziguinchor.
#mental #illness #family..



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