when it’s really not needed

2024-01-30 00:42:00

It turned out that it is not always necessary to warm up the car engine. Alexander Noskodirector of service for the automotive marketplace Fresh, shared information with the publication “Current News” about when warming up the engine does not make sense.

According to the expert, warming up the engine can be compared to short trips. Therefore, if the car owner does not intend to travel in sub-zero temperatures, there is no need to start the engine. Unnecessarily warming up the engine can lead to deterioration of the properties of the engine oil, which will ultimately lead to malfunctions in the operation of the engine unit.

The reason is that during warming up, condensation forms on the upper pipes of the crankcase ventilation system. If the engine is turned off after a short period of time, this condensate may freeze in low temperatures.

Moreover, it can mix with the engine oil, causing more fluid in the mixture. Such circumstances can cause premature engine failure and subsequent major repairs.


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