“When it comes to digitization, we are at the bottom of the list in Europe” – Life & People

BoeblingenMore than 300 students in Böblingen are studying digitalization. There are several courses of study with different degrees.

What courses do you offer?

Professor Dr. Alexander Rossmann: “We currently have a Bachelor’s degree program in Digital Business in the field of computer science and business informatics. The Master’s program is divided into three courses with different focuses on computer science. Our graduates are needed in every company that deals with digital transformation.”

How far is Germany in terms of digitalization?

“A problem for companies here”

Professor Dr. Alexander Rossmann: “Not particularly far. We and our students are always looking at digital hotspots such as Scandinavia, America or Asia. These are the pioneering countries that define and exemplify digital progress, which we will only understand in a few years. In the public sector in particular, we are now at the bottom of the list in Europe. This is also a problem for the companies here.”

Why is that?

Professor Dr. Alexander Rossmann: “There are many reasons for this. On the one hand, there is federalism with its many decision-makers and decision-making levels. Then there are cultural components. It’s not necessarily hip to be a founder here.”

Who was Herman Hollerith?

Professor Dr. Alexander Rossmann: “An entrepreneur whose family comes from Germany. In America he became one of the pioneers of modern data processing through his punch cards. One of his companies is a forerunner of IBM.”


The entire Böblingen city talk with Professor Dr. Alexander Rossmann can be seen on Monday evening from 6 p.m. on Regio TV and will soon also be available online at www.szbz.de.



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