When is the best time to eat cheese?

If cheese is often accused of all evils, the fact remains that it is also a food with many health benefits. To which saint to devote oneself? We help you see things more clearly.

Does eating cheese at night make you fat?

In the evening, it is better to avoid too greasy cheeses and difficult to digest. In question ? Many elements. First fats, heavy to digest, and which can present a risk of inflammatory reaction of the stomach. Then, tyramine – an amino acid transformed by the body into tyrosine – would have an impact on the production of serotonin and melatonin, two neurotransmitters involved in sleep. Finally, it should be remembered that lactose – the content of which varies from one cheese to another – can cause digestive problems but also a spike in blood sugar that can cause nighttime cravings.

Moreover, if the calories consumed during the day allow the body to generate energy, following a certain time, the body goes to rest and no longer needs to produce as much energy. Result ? The calories are no longer sufficiently well assimilated by the body and are then stored in the form of fat. For this reason, it is recommended to leave between 2 and 3 hours between meals and bedtime, especially in case of digestion problems.

Finally, an Anglo-Saxon tradition (particularly relayed by Charles Dickens in his Christmas tale) wants eating cheese at night to give you serious nightmares… Wacky? However, a study conducted by the British Cheese Board1 reveals that eating cheese just before bed can affect the quality of sleep!

When is the best time of day to eat cheese?

While it is often high in calories, cheese is also a healthy ally, in particular thanks to its high calcium content. It is no coincidence that it is recommended to consume 30 to 40 g of cheese per day! The good idea? Consume your portion of cheese from breakfast. And bet instead on a low-calorie cheese such as cancoillotte, fresh goat cheese, mozzarella… This advice is especially valid for people who are particularly attentive to their weight and/or who want to lose a few kilograms! Indeed, the best advice for avoid gaining weight from cheese ? Stick to a serving of 30-35g per day!

1. “Sweet Dreams Are Made Of Cheese“, British Cheese Board.

2. According to a study published in the journal The American Journal of Nutrition and relayed byDaily Mail.



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