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If fatigue following exercise, whether physical or intellectual, is normal, it happens that the feeling of fatigue sets in and/or intensifies. Thus, 20 to 30% of French people consult for temporary fatigue.
Generally, following a few days of rest, this fatigue disappears. However, the feeling of exhaustion may persist despite rest. Chronic or psychiatric illnesses… the causes of lasting fatigue are numerous.
When to consult? How to determine the cause of fatigue that does not disappear despite rest?
- Professor Claire Le Jeune, Professor of Internal Medicine atCochin Hospital, in Paris
- Pr Abdoulaye Leye, internist, endocrinologist, head of the Internal Medicine Endocrinology-Diabetology department, at the National University Hospital of Pikine. Teacher at the Faculty of Medicine ofCheikh Anta Diop University of Dakar.
At the end of the program, we find the sports chronicle of the Dr Jean Marc Senesports physician and author of Sport: I’m getting started!, published by In Press
► All chronicles are accessible ici.