When excrement becomes medicine

2024-08-01 08:43:01


Published at 07:00 yesterday, updated at 10:43 yesterday

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Decrypt- This therapy is commonly used to treat infections caused by Clostridium difficile.

We might as well warn you right off the bat that we’re going to be talking about poop. More precisely, fecal donation and transplantation, or as doctors call it, fecal microbial transplantation. This may arouse interest or even vague disgust, But it does have therapeutic properties. “Several hospitals now routinely use this method to treat recurrent bacterial infections. Clostridium difficile,” Professor Harry Sokol noted, Gastroenterologist, Saint-Antoine Hospital, ParisChairman of the French Fecal Transplantation Group. This pathogen is responsible for 20% to 25% of antibiotic-associated diarrhea.

“The ecological imbalance caused by antibiotics will This is hard (hard) develops at the expense of the beneficial bacteria in the gut microbiome,” Comic author Professor Harry Sokol explains The extraordinary power of the stomach, Published by De Bok. This can lead to particularly severe diarrhea that makes daily life impossible: diarrhea, fever, loss of appetite, nausea, and abdominal pain.

Fortunately, Antibiotics are effective against C. difficile 80% of the time. But in about a quarter of patients, these infections tend to come back the first time around. After the second attack, the risk of recurrence increases by 40%! Fecal microbial transplantation is indicated for patients who have experienced two relapses or who have experienced particularly severe relapses. The goal of surgery is to restore balanced intestinal flora. The success is there, as this therapy cures 90% of patients. Professor Harry Sokol is a pioneer in this field. His team started in 2011 with experience and a “handmade” approach. Studies have since proven the effectiveness of the approach, and in France, fecal microbiota has been given medical status.

Find a compatible donor

How does this happen in practice? As for blood, we must find donors who will not risk spreading the disease. Therefore, donor selection is particularly important. Any candidate must answer a questionnaire about their illness, stay in a foreign country, treatment, etc. Pathogenic bacteria, fungi or parasites.

Once a donor is “verified,” he will be able to donate his stool multiple times within twenty-eight days, provided it is done in a hospital. But if during this period he reports influenza, coronavirus or gastroenteritis, all samples will be discarded. “This whole process is particularly complicated in fecal transplants,” Professor Harry Sokol emphasized. Because in this case, preparing for transplantation is very simple. It involves homogenizing stool with physiological serum and then filtering it to remove debris.

It is then frozen for later administration, either as a syringe through a nasogastric tube or directly into the colon, or as a capsule to be swallowed. “Even if these preparations have drug status, they are still the product of the donor and there is a whole issue of variability from one transplant to another,” Professor Harry Sokol said. This, he believes, explains why the therapy is undoubtedly still limited to treating acute conditions.

#excrement #medicine



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