When did life begin on Earth? – DW – 08/05/2024

Since ancient times, humans have been preoccupied with the questions regarding the origins of life on Earth. Many scientists from various disciplines, including chemistry, biology, and physics, as well as religious figures, have attempted over the ages to unravel this mystery that puzzles humanity.

Scientific efforts to uncover the origin of life began in the nineteenth century when the French chemist Louis Pasteur demonstrated that life always arises from existing life. This means that plants, animals, and microbes reproduce among one another.

When did life begin?

According to a new study from Cardiff University in the UK, complex life on Earth may have begun 1.5 billion years earlier than previously estimated. Researchers claim to have found evidence in rocks from Gabon that indicates conditions suitable for life existed 2.1 billion years ago.

Published in the journal Precambrian Research, the study states that the collision of two continental plates underwater more than two billion years ago created a nutrient-rich environment that facilitated the evolution of complex life. The elevated levels of oxygen and phosphorus resulting from this collision may have been crucial in the transition from single-celled organisms to more complex life forms.

However, it appears that the complex life forms that emerged from this tectonic collision had a brief existence, limited to a shallow inland sea, suggesting they may have gone extinct before achieving significant global expansion.

This study challenges the established scientific consensus that animal life first emerged 635 million years ago, prompting some scientists to question its findings and call for additional research.

For decades, numerous theories have been proposed by scientists and researchers to explain the origin of life on Earth. What are the most prominent theories regarding the origin of life?

“Primordial Soup” Theory

The “primordial soup” theory is one of the most widely accepted concepts, suggesting that life in its early stages emerged from organic compounds in the ocean. Charles Darwin, the renowned biologist who lived from 1809 to 1882, was the first scientist to theorize that life might have begun in a “small pond of warm water.”

However, his theory was not experimentally tested until the 1950s when American chemist Harold Urey and biologist Stanley Miller created a primitive atmosphere in the laboratory by combining water, methane, ammonia, and hydrogen in a sealed container, using electrical sparks to simulate lightning as a catalyst.

After several days, amino acids were produced, which are believed to be the fundamental building blocks of life.

Large fossil image Complex life on Earth may have begun 1.5 billion years earlier than humans previously thought, study says Photo credit: Professor Abderrazzak El Albani of the University of Poitiers, France

Panspermia Theory

The theory of “panspermia,” or “exogenesis,” is one of the significant theories concerning the origin of life. It posits that life on Earth originated from outside the planet, in outer space, suggesting that life forms or at least the essential components for life came from space and settled on Earth.

However, this theory does not provide clear answers regarding when these components transitioned from space to our planet, their origins outside Earth, or their mode of transport. Nonetheless, it indicates the possibility that some life forms arrived on Earth via a meteorite carrying microorganisms.

Fred Hoyle and Chandra Wickramasinghe, two prominent physicists, are the leading advocates of this theory. Their research in the 1970s suggested that comets possess enough organic material to sustain life on planets like Earth.

Life Began at the Bottom of the Sea

The “hydrothermal vent” theory proposes that life on Earth may have originated at the ocean floor through deep-sea vents releasing hot, mineral-rich vapors.

Michael Russell, a well-known British geologist, proposed that hydrothermal vents emitting hydrogen, hydrogen sulfide, and methane could create ideal conditions for forming simple organic molecules.

Though the environment surrounding hydrothermal vents can be extreme, with temperatures reaching 400 degrees Celsius, studies have shown that certain microorganisms in these regions utilize a process called chemosynthesis.

This process involves bacteria producing their own food by converting carbon dioxide into biomass, using energy from chemical reactions instead of sunlight, allowing them to survive in dark habitats like the ocean floor.

RNA: The Origin of Life

The RNA theory suggests that long before DNA and proteins existed, life on Earth depended on RNA, which allowed organisms to evolve, survive, and reproduce.

Messenger RNA provides instructions for protein production, which are crucial for various biological functions and are vital for sustaining life, even though they are composed of complex molecules.

Theoretically, RNA serves both functions essential for life: storing genetic information and acting as a catalyst for fundamental chemical reactions.

In the 1980s, chemists Thomas Cech and Sidney Altman discovered the catalytic properties of RNA molecules. Since then, scientists have proposed that RNA molecules capable of self-replication and catalyzing basic reactions preceded modern organisms, as more efficient catalytic proteins took over roles previously held by ribozymes.

Prepared for Arabic by: Mohammed Farhan

Exploring the Origins of Life on Earth: Scientific Theories and Discoveries

Since ancient times, humans have been haunted by the question of the beginning of life on Earth and the origin of this life. Numerous scientists across multiple disciplines, including chemistry, biology, and physics, along with religious scholars, have embarked on the quest to solve this riddle that continues to baffle humanity.

Scientific efforts aimed at uncovering the origin of life began in earnest during the nineteenth century, notably when French chemist Louis Pasteur established the principle that life comes from pre-existing life, indicating that plants, animals, and microbes reproduce among themselves.

When Did Life Begin?

Recent research from Cardiff University has pushed back the estimated beginning of complex life on Earth by 1.5 billion years. Evidence gleaned from rocks in Gabon suggests that conditions supportive of life arose as far back as 2.1 billion years ago. This study, published in Precambrian Research, indicates that a collision of two continental plates under the sea created a nutrient-rich environment conducive to the evolution of complex life forms.

The high levels of oxygen and phosphorus resulting from this geological event may have facilitated the transition from single-celled organisms to more complex entities. Nonetheless, the complex life forms that emerged appear to have existed in a shallow inland sea, ultimately leading to their extinction before they could significantly proliferate globally. This challenges the previously established consensus that animal life originated around 635 million years ago and has prompted calls for additional research.

Theories on the Origin of Life

Over the years, various theories have emerged, each attempting to explain how life began on Earth. Here are some of the most notable ones:

Primordial Soup Theory

The primordial soup theory posits that life began in a “soup” of organic compounds present in Earth’s early oceans. In the 1950s, scientists Harold Urey and Stanley Miller provided experimental evidence supporting this view. They recreated early Earth conditions in a lab, combining water, methane, ammonia, and hydrogen in a sealed environment and simulating lightning. This resulted in the formation of amino acids, which are recognized as the building blocks of life.

Panspermia Theory

The panspermia theory, also referred to as “exogenesis,” suggests that life on Earth may have originated from space. It posits that microorganisms or at least the fundamental components necessary for life were delivered to our planet via cometary or meteoritic impact. Proponents, such as physicists Fred Hoyle and Chandra Wickramasinghe, argue that comets and meteors contain sufficient organic molecules to potentially sustain life, although the theory raises questions regarding the origin of these components and their journey to Earth.

Hydrothermal Vent Theory

The hydrothermal vent theory suggests that life on Earth emerged at deep-sea hydrothermal vents, which release hot, mineral-rich gases. Renowned British geologist Michael Russell proposed that these environments, rich in hydrogen, hydrogen sulfide, and methane, provided the necessary conditions for forming simple organic molecules. Despite the harsh conditions, some microorganisms thrive around hydrothermal vents through a process called chemosynthesis, allowing them to survive without sunlight.

RNA and the Origin of Life

The RNA world hypothesis surmises that ribonucleic acid (RNA) played a crucial role in the origin of life long before DNA and proteins. According to this theory, RNA was integral to early life forms, acting both as a repository for genetic information and as a catalyst for chemical reactions. In the 1980s, chemists Thomas Cech and Sidney Altman discovered the catalytic properties of RNA molecules, leading to the theory that self-replicating RNA molecules preceded modern organisms.

Comparative Table of Theories on the Origin of Life

Theory Description Key Proponents Major Findings
Primordial Soup Theory Life originated from organic compounds in early oceans Charles Darwin, Urey, and Miller Amino acids formed under simulated ancient conditions
Panspermia Theory Life components were delivered from space Fred Hoyle, Chandra Wickramasinghe Organic materials found in comets and meteors
Hydrothermal Vent Theory Life began at deep-sea hydrothermal vents Michael Russell Chemosynthesis found in extremophiles near vents
RNA World Hypothesis RNA was the first genetic material Thomas Cech, Sidney Altman RNA can both store genetic information and catalyze reactions

Practical Implications and Modern Research

Understanding the origin of life not only satisfies human curiosity but also informs various fields, including astrobiology, genetics, and environmental science. Here are some practical implications:

  • Astrobiology: Insights into life’s origins guide the search for extraterrestrial life, understanding life’s potential in different environments.
  • Genetic Research: RNA research advances our knowledge of genetic engineering, potentially leading to innovative medical treatments.
  • Biotechnology: Discovering extremophiles enhances our capabilities in biotechnology, offering sustainable solutions for various industries.

Current Trends in Research

New research continues to emerge, challenging previous assumptions and presenting fresh insights into the origin of life. The growing interest in fields such as synthetic biology and astrobiology aims to bridge gaps in understanding life’s beginnings and its potential forms beyond Earth.



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