When and how will the next evaluation of the exam to enter the Judiciary of Neuquén be?

2023-05-10 01:17:32

The next instance of the examination that the Neuquén Judiciary initiated in March and that seeks to add personnel to the administrative area, it was already confirmed.

The established date is the week of May 22 to 24coinciding with the previous extra-long weekend in commemoration of the May Revolution, which includes 25, 26, 27 and 28.

As reported, the new exam that follows the theoretical one already taken, will evaluate text comprehension and logical inference and does not require reading the study material.

Assessment Details

From the Judiciary I will inform youRegardless of the modality to be used in this new instance, applicants must enter the Zoom videoconference platform. In the same way they will have to access Moodle (with the same link used to take the general knowledge exam). For all this it is mandatory to have a computer that has internet and a connection with a camera and microphone.

The exam will have multiple choice questions and answers with a resolution attempt. The exam is mandatory. “Whoever does not connect and complete the exam on the indicated day and time, will not be able to continue with the process,” they said.

The applicants were also reminded that this instance is “eliminatory”, so those who do not approve (with 70%) They will be out of the contest.

In addition, it was clarified that a percentage of those approved, as established, pThey might also be left out of the contest since the conformation of a constituted order will be prioritized according to the qualifications obtained. Placing first the best qualifications by Circumscription/Town.

Those who want to know if they are qualified to participate in this instance can do so here.

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