When and how to see this spectacular event – ​​Enseñame de Ciencia

If you are an astronomy lover or enthusiast and you enjoy appreciating the different events of the celestial bodies that can be observed in the night sky, this information is important for you, since April welcomes us with the impressive pink moon, which can be seen appreciate in the first days of this month. So that you don’t miss out on this astronomical phenomenon, in this article we will tell you everything you need to know regarding it, so keep reading!

What is the pink moon of April?

The pink moon of April is the fourth full moon of the annual lunar calendar and, although it might seem that its peculiar name alludes to the fact that the Earth’s natural satellite may be visible in a pink color, the reality is that this name does not was given for it.

In fact, this dates back to ancient times, to the Native Americans, who named it that way to refer to the flowering of a plant called “Phlox», which was recognized as one of the first plants to sprout during this month, at the beginning of spring.

When will the pink moon of April be appreciated?

according to us informa According to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), this month, the moon will reach its full phase on Thursday, April 6 of this year at 04:34 GMT (22:34 pm Mexico City time), at that time, the Earth’s natural satellite will be 180 degrees opposite the Sun.

Regarding this, take into account that, although this is the exact moment in which the full moon phase is reached, our natural satellite will be seen full and in all its splendor for 3 days around this date, that is, from the Tuesday night through Friday morning.

How to observe the pink moon in April?

As our readers will know, this is an astronomical phenomenon that can be observed with the naked eye without requiring any type of instrument, in this way, it is recommended to look for the bright full moon that rises in the east following sunset from Tuesday, April 4. and until Friday, April 7.

Take into account that this astronomical event can be observed with the naked eye throughout the night and until dawn, when it descends in the west, so we only recommend:

  • Find a cozy place away from light pollution.
  • Prepare a sleeping bag or blanket and lie on your back.
  • Look up, observing as much of the sky as possible and keep your eyes on it, so that your eyes adjust, this will happen following approximately 30 minutes.
  • Finally, visualize the moon in all its splendor.

We hope you can enjoy this spectacular astronomical event, we wish you all clear skies.

It might interest you to read: An impressive lunar eclipse is regarding to arrive: When, where and how to see this spectacular event

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