When a common headache is a dangerous sign of ‘this disease’

A stroke that begins with a headache, a brain tumor is directly related to life

If a person with high blood pressure develops a severe headache, a stroke may be suspected. [사진=게티이미지]

If you have a headache, “I will get better if I rest for a while”, “Should I take a headache pill?”… A lot of people think it’s insignificant. However, if you take a good look at your body, you can even find signs of sudden death. You should call 911, especially if you have a severe headache that has never happened before. Let’s see if a headache is a sign of a very dangerous illness.

◆ Types of headaches… The absence of a disease in the brain vs. Signs of an important disease

According to the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (KCDC), headaches are divided into primary headaches with no specific brain disease and secondary headaches caused by various diseases. Primary headaches are divided into tension headaches, migraines, and cluster headaches. Among secondary headaches, life-threatening diseases include brain tumors, cerebral hemorrhage, increased intracranial pressure, encephalitis, and meningitis.

◆ You must go to the hospital immediately… When ‘this headache’ is dangerous

If you have any of the following symptoms, it is best to see a doctor immediately. 1) The most severe headache that I have never felt since birth 2) A headache that started following the age of 50. In particular, when there is no headache or a headache that is different from the previous headache 3) When you have a fever, a stiff neck, or a rash on your skin 4) When your arms and legs feel numb, or when things look strange 5) When you have a headache Headaches 6) Headaches that suddenly and peak pain within 5 minutes 7) Headaches that persist following intense exercise, coughing, or sudden movement.

◆ People who usually have high blood pressure… In case of severe headache

I have a headache that occurs when the weather gets colder. It is a symptom of a stroke (cerebral hemorrhage, cerebral infarction) caused by the constriction of blood vessels due to cold. If any of the following symptoms appear suddenly, call 911 immediately and go to the emergency room. 1) Unexplained headache appears suddenly. 2) It is an excruciating pain that seems to break the entire head. 3) A feeling of paralysis in one part of the body, loss of strength. 4) Difficulty seeing in one or both eyes. 5) Words do not come out well. 5) You may fall due to dizziness.

◆ Headaches in menopausal women… If you have high blood pressure, you should be nervous.

During menopause in women, it is also necessary to be aware of dangerous diseases. Estrogen (female hormone), which protected blood vessels when young, almost disappears, and triglycerides, total cholesterol, and bad LDL cholesterol increase in the blood, leading to an increase in vascular disease. The risk of arteriosclerosis (hardening of blood vessels), heart disease (angina pectoris, myocardial infarction), and stroke (cerebral infarction, cerebral hemorrhage) increases. If the headache continues more severe than usual, you should also be aware of a stroke. If you go to the hospital as soon as possible to get surgery, you can save lives and reduce serious side effects such as paralysis of one body.

◆ Brain tumor headache… especially in the morning

When a brain tumor develops, a headache appears as the intracranial pressure rises. In particular, it is characterized by aggravation at dawn when lying in bed for a long time. You may still have a headache, nausea, or vomiting even following waking up. Indigestion, visual disturbances, and defecation and urination problems also occur, and there are cases where they waste time in other departments and then visit a neurosurgeon belatedly. If morning headaches appear for a long time, a brain tumor should be suspected.



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