WhatsApp will enable the option to save ‘messages that self-destruct’ | Technology | Mobile | Android | iOS | whatsappbeta | SPORT-PLAY

WhatsApp beta surprises users again. Recently, they worked on new features for the Business system, such as the Premium option, which allows you to link up to 10 devices.

As you can see from this screenshot, WhatsApp Premium will offer users the ability to link and name up to 10 devices, so business devices can also be renamed for easy recall. In addition, WhatsApp also plans to offer the ability to create a unique custom business link: Businesses can already use short links to let customers contact them by opening a link that includes their phone number, but WhatsApp Premium will allow business accounts create a custom link detailed the WaBetainfo medium regarding this new tool.

The same medium has revealed that the application is now working on a button to save the ‘messages that self-destruct’. Of course, it is a bit strange that the developer has added this tool, considering that the purpose of the disappearing messages is to offer more privacy.

WhatsApp plans to introduce a new section within Contact Information and Group Information that lists all saved messages, so that they can be easily read later: as everyone in the chat can decide not to save those messages.

WhatsApp now plans to make it easier to find them, so they are developing this section”, details WaBetainfo.

WhatsApp will enable the option to save the ‘messages that self-destruct’. (Photo: WaBetainfo)

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