WhatsApp will soon allow, for the greatest number, to transfer the history of conversations from an Android smartphone to an iPhone. Until now, only the reverse was possible.
It is an injustice corrected. WhatsApp will offer the possibility of transferring the history of your conversations from an Android smartphone to an iPhone, whereas until now it was only possible to do it in the opposite direction. It was Mark Zuckerberg, CEO and founder of Meta, who announced it in a post on Facebook.
“We’re adding to WhatsApp the ability to securely switch between phones and transfer your chat history, photos, videos and voicemails between Android and iPhone while maintaining end-to-end encryption.explique Zuckerberg. This is a highly requested feature. We introduced the ability to switch from iPhone to Android last year, and now we’re adding Android to iPhone as well.”.
However, there are some subtleties to performing this task. The user should have at least installed Android 5 on their Android device and iOS 15.5 on their iPhone. The transfer process only works on new or factory reset iPhones and requires Apple’s Move to iOS app for Android. An application that already allowed to move contacts, calendars, SMS, and other data.
When setting up the iPhone, you will then have to select the “Move data from Android” option, then follow the different steps. Once the iPhone is fully set up, upon opening WhatsApp, your previously held WhatsApp chat history on Android should appear. Note that the versions of WhatsApp for iOS ( and WhatsApp beta for Android ( are marked as compatible versions.