WhatsApp will add a new feature

The instant messaging application develops a solution to transcribe voice messages.

If you’re not a fan of voicemail, you should soon be able to skip it. Indeed, according to WABetaInfothe developers of WhatsApp are currently working on the transcription of voice notes.

Remember that this is not the first time that instant messaging has considered this possibility. In 2021, the same feature was under development when the project was abruptly halted. This for unknown reasons. Whatever the reason, it looks like the transcription feature is back on the agenda. This could turn out to be excellent news, especially in the case of voicemails that are a little too long.

Please note that the feature is currently under development. Which means that it is not yet accessible, even for beta testers. A little patience, then. Especially since it is not impossible to see the option land before the end of the year.

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