WhatsApp | Why LuzIA does not answer your questions | Solution | nnda | nnni | DEPOR-PLAY

2023-06-06 22:55:00

WhatsApp It continues to be one of the most downloaded applications in the world. Currently it has 12 billion users who use the messages that are modified and even soon you will be able to send a voice note so that it is only heard once.

But now artificial intelligence has become fashionable same that you can have it in WhatsApp. This will answer all your queries giving you fairly accurate data, in certain cases. However, sometimes there are problems with the AI.

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For what is this? Well, if you’ve been chatting with LuzIA and it has stopped responding to all your queries, here we tell you exactly what happened.

Why LuzIA does not answer on WhatsApp

  • LuzIA is the most popular ChatGTP in Spanish in the world.
  • Through it you can not only solve your tasks, but also create images, translate texts and even transcribe audios.
  • While this can be tried for free using WhatsApp, there are a few reasons why it doesn’t work.
  • Has it happened to you that you have tried LuzIA and out of nowhere it has stopped working?
  • It turns out that through his the artificial intelligence for WhatsApp ensures that it has reached a series of limits in several countries.
  • Although it has not revealed which ones, this causes the platform to paralyze due to the large number of questions it receives every minute.
  • “If it fails, try again in a few hours. We are working to increase capacity”, says a message in the header of the page.
  • Although it is still free, it is expected that to avoid these setbacks, a paid version may be ready, in order to have greater precision in the answers and that there are no setbacks.

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