WhatsApp, what are you up to? Privacy upended and 24/7 spying activity | This is the only way to save yourself

WhatsApp is spying on you: do this and it will stop – Pixabay – iphonari.it

There is a problem, even a big one, related to WhatsApp that, unfortunately, involves all users who have created an account on the platform.

As you well know, the platform has almost three billion users worldwide. Its success is due to the continuous updates that periodically arrive within its versions, be they Android, iOS or Desktop. These updates are, of course, implemented to improve it.

The developers try in every way to ensure that the use of the platform owned by Meta is optimal for all those who use it daily at any time of the day or night. In addition, they are always working to keep their guard up regarding the protection of their privacy and security, despite some hitches.

Of course, we could say that these can always happen and if they happen to WhatsApp they can also be forgiven. Unfortunately, however, what is happening in the last period cannot be forgiven. Or rather, it would be necessary for the company and its developers to do something to resolve the somewhat unpleasant issue that has arisen.

WhatsApp is spying on everyone, at any time of the day or night, without anyone noticing. In short, we continue to use the platform, talking and doing anything at home or outside and WhatsApp sees and hears everything. Let’s see together how to notice what is happening and, above all, how to save ourselves from the spying activity in progress.

WhatsApp: So You Don’t Spy on Us Anymore

We know very well that this news may be considered strange by the majority of you, but it is not at all like that. Well yes, you understood very well. You must know that it does it through the camera and microphone of the phone you own. And the problem lies in the permissions granted at the time of installation on the smartphone.

Here are the moves to prevent WhatsApp from spying on you – Pixabay – iphonari.it

When you download and install any application, you should check the permissions granted so as not to be spied on while using them. WhatsApp does the same thing and, for this very reason, you need to check them scrupulously. How? Well, you should know that it is something very, very simple. Let’s start right away to understand and discover how to do it.

To understand if he has used the microphone and camera without you realizing it, just go inside the Settings in the section PrivacyYou will need to open the panel Permissions used in the last 24 hours. And here it will appear when and how WhatsApp has spied on you. To eliminate the problem, the solution is always in the Privacy section of Settings. This time, however, you have to enter Permissions Management. Here, for both the microphone and the camera, you will only have to authorize them only when the App is active.

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