WhatsApp, the most popular instant messaging application at the moment, has not been without controversy over the years. One of the most serious crises that the platform faced occurred at the beginning of 2021, when a scandal broke out due to its privacy policies. Privacy. Since then, the app de Meta has made efforts to provide more and more security options to its users.
Despite this, the truth is that the problem of privacy is not limited only to the vulnerabilities that a computer may have. application, nor to the permissions that it forces its users to accept. It can also live in the form of native functions, which for many can be invasive.
For example, many people dislike that WhatsApp be able to inform our contacts of the exact moment in which we are connected to the app, or even when we are writing them a message.
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Although these functions have existed for a long time on chat platforms, the case of WhatsApp is particular, since it is a mobile app and can consume a lot of time in our lives if we do not know how to limit it.
Fortunately, there is a very simple method to hide both messages from our profile information. Follow these to hide the ‘writing…’ and the ‘online‘ by WhatsApp.
How to hide the ‘writing…’ and the ‘online’ of WhatsApp?
All you have to do is navigate using one of the native features of many Android devices: the notification tray. First, you need to make sure you have them active to WhatsApp.
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To do this, you just have to go to the settings of your phone and navigate to Apps and notifications > Notifications. From there, you just have to make sure that WhatsApp has notifications activated.
After this, you can use the notification tray on WhatsApp to answer messages. When you see that someone wrote to you, simply swipe the notification and tap on the Reply button. Immediately, a small window will open where you can view and reply to the message without displaying any of your contact information.