WhatsApp releases updated interface for everyone in update

2023-08-04 15:46:12

O WhatsApp today released an update for the version 23.15.78 of your iOS app with a few simple enhancements that should improve the overall messenger experience. Generally speaking, the application interface — following previously discovered tests — gained some modifications and the message editing has been expanded.

As shown in beta versions, the bottom and top bars of the app are now translucent. Some menus, such as settings, also had a renewed interface, incorporating the visual pattern adopted by Apple from iOS 15 — as happened with the contact profile area, with the options being displayed in rectangular shapes with curved corners and that do not occupy the entire width of the screen.

Also impacted by the change in the messenger’s design were the action sheets displayed when tapping the “More” option for a conversation or when trying to delete a message. This change was another one to be observed in the tests, with the app no ​​longer following the Apple pattern and creating an area that occupies the entire width of the screen at the bottom, with the options inserted in a similar way to the settings.

Another area that gained a new interface was the sticker tray. Now, you can browse through favorites, recents, and collections just by scrolling vertically. Thus, each set began to be displayed below the other as you move your finger over the area, until you reach the native collection, which, it is worth noting, gained new stickers, in addition to having added new avatar options.

Finally, another novelty that WhatsApp gained with this update was an expansion of editing messages and subtitles in media files. Now, it is possible to edit the subtitles of media files — and not just text messages, a limitation that existed until then.

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