On January 19, WhatsApp’s messaging app Meta was fined 5.5 million euros ($5.95 million) for continuing to violate European Union (EU) privacy laws.
Data Protection Commission (DPC) Ireland – the country where Facebook is headquartered, Twitter in Europe, acting as the EU’s privacy regulator for Meta – said WhatsApp must review how it uses personal data to improve the service.
DPC’s decision follows a similar order this month for other major Meta platforms, which is Facebook and Instagram, where Meta was asked to review on what legal basis they relied for targeted through personal data.
[Meta sẽ chi 725 triệu USD để dàn xếp vụ kiện về dữ liệu người dùng]
DPC has penalized WhatsApp 225 million euros from September 2021 for similar violations that occurred during the same period as the January 19 case.
To date, the DPC has fined Meta a total of 1.3 billion euros and 10 other investigations are underway related to its services.
Bich Lien (VNA/Vietnam+)