WhatsApp is working on a new option for its Desktop version, which will soon have the tool that allows send images in their original quality through the platform.
This service, developed by Meta, began to implement a few days ago on Android devices the button that allows you to send uncompressed photos, as WABetaInfo was able to verify in a recent update of the operating system,
This version has a new configuration icon located inside the tools header, which appears when you proceed to send a photograph.
This specialized portal has now verified that the platform is bringing this same feature to its latest beta version for Desktop, so that users who use this communication channel will be able to preserve their resolution and clarity with the ‘HD quality’ option.
WABetaInfo has commented that this feature, which allows sending high-resolution photos, is optional. That way, when this button is available, you can still send photos using the standard compression method, which is listed as the default option.