WhatsApp: advantages of using ghost mode-Apps-Technology

The ghost mode in the popular application of Skype it is an option for those users who do not want to be monitored by others, for example, about the last hour of connection, or who do not want to share their photo or status with everyone who has their number.

The goal, then, is protect privacy and the options can even hide the name of the user who has chosen this mode to interact from this messaging platform.

Then, ghost mode allows you to book: name, profile picture and last connection. Each of these parameters are selected individually, in the account settings of the application.

(In addition: this is the trick to check if you have the latest version of Whatsapp).

How to hide the name?

The settings menu is searched, which allow changes to account settings. Once there, paste the white character of Unique from the following link, under”username”.  And save.

How to hide profile photo?

Once in the settings menu, go to “account”. There again there is another menu of options, among these”privacy”.  In the latter there is the option to modify who can see the profile photo:” all”,” my contacts “or”nobody”. In this case, the selection would be “nobody”.

How to hide the time of the last connection?

In the same privacy section, in addition to the options for profile picture, it is also possible to decide if other items such as status, information and last time are hidden. Again, the option is” everyone “(you can see it),” my contacts “or”nobody”.

How they will see the account

None of the contacts will be notified that you are using ghost mode. To other users, it will seem that you have no signal.


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