What you should know about Conavi’s affordable homes if you don’t have Infonavit

What you should know about Conavi’s affordable homes if you don’t have Infonavit

New Housing Initiative: A Million Homes, Lots of Laughs!

Well, well, well! It looks like our dear President Claudia Sheinbaum is taking the bull by the horns—if that bull were a housing crisis, of course! In a press conference on October 14, she dazzled attendees with the announcement of an ambitious plan to build a whopping one million houses! That’s right, folks, one million! Or as a mathematician would say, “a lot!”

And let’s not forget our pal Rodrigo Chávez, the general director of the National Housing Commission (Conavi). He joined Claudia to present a plan that, believe it or not, divides this vast number into two equal parts: half for those lucky Infonavit members, and the other half for those poor souls out there earning minimum wage. I mean, just think of them as the other half of the economic sandwich that nobody wants to eat!

Key Features of the Housing Program

Now, before you lace up your developer boots, let’s dig into the nitty-gritty details of this housing extravaganza. The plan includes building 500,000 brand-spanking-new homes and, hold on to your hard hats, improving another 300,000! Each new home promises to be around 60 square meters—plenty of room for a family of, let’s say, six?—with three whole bedrooms! Why three? Well, why not? It’s not like teenagers require personal space anyway!

Zero Percent Interest? Sign Me Up!

And because we all love a good financial deal, Chávez assured us that this program will also feature subsidized financing with an eye-watering zero percent interest rate. You know, the kind of rate you’d be lucky to find in a fairy tale, if little pixies were handing out mortgages! Of course, before you dash out to pick out curtains, a socioeconomic study will be conducted to determine who even gets this magical credit. If you’re not an Infonavit member, don’t worry; you can still throw your hat in the ring!

Let’s Talk Costs

Now let’s get down to brass tacks: How much will this all cost? Contreras mentioned a monthly payment that must not exceed—wait for it—30% of the beneficiary’s income for a span of 30 years. That means if you’re earning a modest income, you might just get a house before you hit retirement age! I mean, who doesn’t look forward to paying off their mortgage with the same amount of enthusiasm as a tax audit?

Registration? A House-to-House Census!

How will you register, you ask? Well, sit tight! A house-to-house census is on the menu! Imagine red flags swooping down the street like an overly enthusiastic census brigade. Applications will also be open through various ‘Servers’—not to be confused with waiter servers, who might not take your sob stories seriously!

For the Young and the Restless

But wait! There’s more! The housing strategy isn’t just for families. Nope! It extends to the youthful—those energetic souls aged 18 to 30! Enter the rental housing plan which will erect living spaces near educational centers (because nothing says “student life” like living two blocks from your lecture room)! These apartments will include all the amenities any self-respecting young adult could ever dream of, and they’ll be available to rent for five years, with an option to extend for an additional two—perfect for those “I can’t find my life” phases.

Affordable Rent, At Last!

So, what will this cost our dear youth? It’s as if someone in government saw them rolling in cash—because the rental price shouldn’t exceed 30% of their salary. Can we get a round of applause for budgeting? And yes, a socioeconomic study will once again determine who makes the cut. It’s like auditioning for a housing role in a soap opera—drama guaranteed!

This program aims to support Mexican families who aren’t part of the Infonavit club. So, if you’ve been sitting there thinking, “How do I become a homeowner?” You’re likely worth your own reality TV series just for managing to navigate this process! 😂

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In a press conference on October 14, President Claudia Sheinbaum, accompanied by Rodrigo Chávez, general director of the National Housing Commission (Conavi), addressed what the new plan will be. In total, in the current administration one million houses or homes will be built: Half for Infonavit members and the other half for non-beneficiaries who have minimum income. This you should know.

The housing program has several key points, but with regard to Conavi, its model contemplates the next six years.

Chávez Contreras presented the Housing Program. In total, they will build 500 thousand homes and they will improve another 300 thousand. The new ones will have all the services and up to 60 square meters, with three bedrooms.

In addition, the director assured that there will be subsidized financing with an interest rate of zero percent. To grant them, they will carry out a socioeconomic study that will determine the beneficiary’s ability to pay.

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How much will it cost to access a new Conavi house?

Contreras announced that a monthly payment will be paid that cannot exceed 30% of the beneficiary’s income, for up to 30 years.

What will the registration of the Conavi housing program be like?

A house-to-house census will be carried out and applications will be opened through the nation’s Servers.

This is what Conavi’s youth houses will look like

In the projected period, a rental housing program will also be promoted for young people between 18 and 30 years old. The institution will build housing units near educational centers and industrial zones.

The apartments will have all the services and will be rented for five years, with a maximum extension of two.

How much will rent cost for young people?

According to Contreras, the rental price of apartments for young people should not exceed 30 percent of their salary. A socioeconomic study will be carried out to determine the ability to pay.

This program is specially designed to benefit Mexican families who do not have access to Infonavit credit. That is, they are not entitled.

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