What you need to know when visiting military and dangerous areas

Taking this into account, we would like to remind you that visiting the military training grounds of the Lithuanian army and military training, as well as dangerous areas, is defined by the rules approved by the order of the Minister of National Defense. These rules, which you can find online or posted at all information stands on the range, which also provide information about ongoing live shooting exercises, state that individuals can freely visit range areas, except for dangerous areas.

According to these rules, it is forbidden to set up campsites, make campfires in places not designated for this purpose, drive outside roads or paths, dig, touch explosive-like objects in the territories of military ranges and military training. In dangerous areas, which are only allowed to be visited when live firing exercises are not being conducted, it is also forbidden to move further along the road or path if the barricades marking the dangerous area are closed, or to go around/bypass the closed barricades or if noise characteristic of military exercises is heard (shots, military vehicles rumble of instruments, etc.).

We remind you that if you find items similar to explosives, you must not touch them under any circumstances, and you must immediately report it by calling 112, the phone numbers indicated on the information boards, or inform a representative of the military after going to the nearest location of the military unit.

Violation of the rules for visiting military ranges and military training, as well as in dangerous areas, is assessed according to Article 556 of Chapter XXVI of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Republic of Lithuania. and Article 557 and a fine is imposed. Manufacturing, acquiring, keeping, carrying, transporting, sending, using and selling firearms, ammunition, explosives or explosives without a permit is punishable under Article 253 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Lithuania.

#visiting #military #dangerous #areas
2024-10-01 19:17:37



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