what you need to know to travel to Chile

started a new long weekend what It will imply a lot of tourist movement for Neuquén and Río Negro. The thing is This Friday is Memorial Day.one of the National holidays that coincide with Saturday and Sundaywhich will mean that some can take the opportunity to take a short break. RÍO NEGRO tells you what you need to know if your option is to cross into the neighboring country.

The head of the provincial delegation of the National Directorate of Migration in Neuquén, Gustavo Sueldo, spoke with BLACK RIVER RADIO and gave details of the border crossings for those interested in taking advantage of the long weekend and crossing into Chile. He mentioned that the main thing to take into account are the times to cross to the neighboring country, currently the departure time from Argentina is from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. and the entry time from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.

In this sense, Sueldo reported that as of April 1 there will be a change of hours at the border crossing, for which the hours of sDeparture from Argentina will be from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. and entry to Argentina will be from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m..

In turn, Salary mentioned what those documents necessary for tourists to cross into the neighboring country and said that the main thing is the identity document, the last one issued. On the other hand, he highlighted that a fact to take into account in case of traveling with minorsis that “as the parental authority of children in Argentina is shared, If one of the parents is missing, the written authorization must be present. This document can be made before a justice of the peace, a notary public or at the National Migration Office building in Neuquén.

He also pointed out that, those boys and girls who do not register on the back of the document, the parents must bring the original and unlaminated birth certificater, where it is stated who the parents are.

Although the Migration area is not in charge of the transit of vehicles, Gustavo Sueldo recommended that the car have technical verification in order, international insurance, green or blue ID that indicates permission to transit and engraved windows.

On the other hand, he spoke regarding tourists who see an opportunity to travel to Chile to buy goods such as refrigerators, televisions or covers at a cheaper price, and indicated that this is an activity that he does not recommend since the authorities that control imports charge fines. high due to a violation being committed. “I am not the specialist but I can tell you because I consulted with Customs, that fine that is charged may be more expensive than the advantage of buying in Chile,” said Sueldo.

Listen to Gustavo Sueldo, head of the provincial delegation of the National Directorate of Migrations, in “Arranquemos”, by RÍO NEGRO RADIO:

Tune in RIO NEGRO RADIO. Listen to us on FM 90.9 from Neuquén, on FM 105.7 from Roca, on rionegro.com.ar/radio or on our App.

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