what will the TEMPERATURE be like this SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 8

The first week of September passed and winter began to say goodbye. In that context, the National Meteorological Service (SMN) forecast windy days in Córdoba, amid warnings of extreme fire danger in the province.


Climate. The SMN’s warning about the next 3 months: a dry and hot spring

The SMN forecasts for this Sunday, September 8th a maximum temperature of 27°C and a minimum of 10°C in Córdoba. The sky is expected to vary between partly to mostly cloudy, with no precipitation.

Below is the extended forecast for Córdoba:

  • Monday. Maximum temperature 29°C and minimum temperature 14°C. Partly cloudy during the day.
  • Tuesdays. Maximum temperature 34°C and minimum temperature 15°C. Mostly cloudy during the day.
  • Wednesday. Maximum temperature 22°C and minimum temperature 16°C. Mostly cloudy during the day.
  • Thursday. Maximum temperature 23°C and minimum temperature 10°C. Partly cloudy during the day.
  • Friday. Maximum temperature 24°C and minimum temperature 7°C. Partly cloudy throughout the day.

Saint Rose of Lima


Myth or miracle. Who was Saint Rose of Lima, the woman who gave her name to the storm?

Recommendations to avoid the risk of fire

Below are recommendations to avoid the risk of fires:

  • Do not use fire without obtaining a controlled burning permit, which is not granted at this time.
  • Do not burn pruning remains, garbage, stubble or weeds from land.
  • Carry out preventive measures within your reach on each property, such as: firebreaks; cleaning fences; building water reservoirs; availability of combat elements (shovels, whips, machetes, etc.); and a swimming pool or Australian tank filled throughout the year, since this water reserve is essential in case of fires.
  • Never throw lit matches into fields, forests or wooded areas. Remember that most fires start and occur due to a lack of caution.
  • Do not make campfires; they are only permitted in designated areas (campsites, resorts, campgrounds).
  • Never light a fire under trees, not only because of the risk of fire, but also because of the damage caused by heat to the plant, which is a living organism.
  • Please note that wind can spread a small campfire, causing a fire.
  • Never throw cigarette butts in the countryside.
  • If a fire starts in the grass and as long as it has not reached too much intensity, extinguish it by hitting the flame with a blanket or bag, preferably wet.


  • 0800 888 38346 (Fuego)
  • 911 (Police)
  • 100 (Firefighters)

SMN weather alerts: what they are

The National Meteorological Service has an Early Warning System (SAT) that informs the population about the possible occurrence of meteorological phenomena that could put the environment, life or material assets at risk.

A weather alert is a warning issued when there is a high probability of severe weather events occurring.

These alerts are based on:

  • Information collected by the National Weather Service.
  • Weather prediction models.
  • The experience of meteorologists.

Cordoba: a salt storm broke out in the Mar Chiquita region


Córdoba. A salt storm broke out in the Mar Chiquita region: what it is and how it affects the population

What is the National Weather Service?

The National Meteorological Service is an organization that seeks to provide meteorological information and forecasts, climate prospects and alerts in its area of ​​​​influence, based on continuous monitoring of the atmosphere and scientific knowledge.

The body, of a scientific-technical nature, had its origin in Law No. 559, sanctioned by the Honorable Congress of the Nation on October 4, 1872.

At the request of, and under the Presidency of Mr. Domingo Faustino Sarmiento, the Argentine Meteorological Office (OMA) was created, under the Ministry of Justice, Culture and Public Education.

Subsequently, according to the SMN, during the course of its institutional life, this Agency came to depend on the following ministries and secretariats of the State:

  • By Law No. 3727 on the Organization of Ministries, the OMA was transferred to the Ministry of Agriculture of the Nation.
  • In July 1924, the Office was named the Meteorological Directorate, and in September 1927, the Directorate of Meteorology.
  • By Law No. 12252 of September 28, 1935, the OMA, while maintaining its dependence on the Ministry of Agriculture, became the Directorate of Meteorology, Geophysics and Hydrology.
  • In accordance with the terms of Decree No. 10,131 of May 5, 1945, on the basis of that Directorate, the National Meteorological Service (SMN) was created, dependent on the Secretariat of Aeronautics.
  • On January 29, 1947, Law No. 12,945 of the Honorable Congress of the Nation established that Decree No. 10131/45, creating the SMN, should remain in force with the force of law.
  • By Decree No. 5197 dated March 9, 1950, the SMN became dependent on the Ministry of Technical Affairs of the Nation.
  • Decree No. 12248 dated June 22, 1954, repealed the previous decree (No. 5197/50) and ordered that the SMN would again depend on the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock of the Nation.
  • Decree No. 4686 of May 7, 1957, established that the SMN ceased to belong to the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock and became dependent on the Ministry of Aeronautics of the Nation.
  • Finally, by Decree No. 1689 dated November 22, 2006, effective January 1, 2007, the SMN was transferred to the scope of the current Secretariat of Science, Technology and Production of the Ministry of Defense of the Nation.



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