What will the Conservative Party do with Gerardo Yepes after his rebellion and support the health reform? Efrain Cepeda responds

vicky in week

In Vicky en SEMANA, the president of the Conservative Party, Efraín Cepeda, referred to the health reform and the controversy generated by the fact that representative Gerardo Yepes had given the go-ahead to the presentation.


Last week it was surprisingly known that the government of President Gustavo Petro filed a paper on the health reform before Congress, despite little support received from parties such as the Conservative, Liberal, among others.

Therefore, to talk about it, in the space of Vicky in WEEK was the president of the Conservative Party, Efraín Cepeda.

This is the complete interview with Efraín Cepeda:

According to Senator Cepeda, the discussion revolves around the fact that this issue is about “the health of Colombians so that they have timely care. Although it is true that the health system is not in heaven, it is neither in purgatory nor in hell”, he assured.

In this sense, the director of the Conservative Party pointed out that it must “build on what has been built.”

Therefore, the first thing would be to “look at the good that EPS have had so far and let’s eliminate the bad, such as the vertical integration that lent itself to favoritism (…) In addition, there has been a lot of criticism about the management of resources, the delay to pay the clinics and hospitals, that is why we are determining the direct transfer from the Adres to avoid these delays and improve the health system. But eliminating it completely, in one fell swoop, and turning that into a tangle of public funds, truly bureaucratized, seems absolutely inconvenient to us. “Efraín Cepeda criticized.

Although the senator indicated that Yepes has personal, family-type inclinations, “that personal opinion of a Congressman reaches the shore where the unbanked decision begins. The bench has been convened for Tuesday, April 11, before any vote, in accordance with the law, which means that the decision made there will be absolutely binding for all parties. There will no longer be personal opinions”, Cepeda specified.

In this order of ideas, the director of the Conservative said in Vicky in WEEK that he believes in the motivation of Yepes, but that he would have waited until the bench decision; since although he signed, the final decision is valid and, depending on the terms reached, “it will have to be negative.”

To give greater clarity, Senator Cepeda commented that in total there are “20 thick lines” which were found, together with the liberals and the U, not to be in favor of the presentation of the health reform of the Petro government, but after that there was no more meeting of the bench.

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Added to this, the Conservative leader assured that no one knew about the surprising decision that Yepes made: “It was on Friday -March 31- at the end of the afternoon, when the congressmen were already disconnected and we had no idea what it was going to happen. For this reason, what I do ask today is that no vote be held before Tuesday, April 11.”

Likewise, Efraín Cepeda added in Vicky in WEEK that he hopes that on Monday, April 10, there will be no surprise procedure. So, “I want to confirm that this decision -for the health reform- can only be taken after the bancada… A reform like this, which has had so much debate, cannot be addressed in a single day… It is a vertical request that we are making to the Government and Congress, it is the minimum that can be asked, it would not be seen favorably if this will be voted on by ‘desks’ on Monday -April 10-, if we would be rejecting it from the Conservative Party”, he expressed.

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