Summer is coming to an end but the heat has no intention of letting go. High pressure, the great protagonist of the season, “is returning to occupy our Peninsula with force and in the coming days atmospheric stability will increase”. Words of Colonel Mario Giuliacci, who in the latest bulletin published on the site anticipated that the weather next weekend will be mostly “nice, with just a few afternoon thunderstorms in some small areas of the country”. Good news, in terms of temperatures, also for those who have planned to escape to the seaside or the mountains. The heat, over the weekend, “will be quite intense, with highs almost everywhere above 30 degrees and peaks of even 37-38 degrees”.
But which regions will be the most affected, the “hottest”? “The sultry heat will envelop all of Italy over the weekend,” the expert began. However, it is possible to expect “peaks of 37-38 degrees” in some parts of our territory rather than others. Based on the latest updates to the forecast models, meteorologist Giuliacci explained, “the high temperatures will be felt in Emilia, Tuscany, Umbria, Lazio, Puglia and Sardinia.” Is it possible that the weather will reverse course in September? At the moment, it would seem not. The resurgence of the anticyclone “will give us a truly unusually hot start to September,” he assured.
#hottest #regions #Tempo
2024-08-31 10:01:09