What will be the first medical specialty of the new RD?

Tomás Cobo, president of the WTO.

After the summer approval of the Royal Decree of Specialties, the “rules of the game” for the creation of new medical disciplines are already on the table and the time has come, with the start of the new political course, to promote those projects that have been in the drawer for some time. A premiere of this new regulation that Spanish doctors predict will be will produce before the end of the yearstarting with the specialty of Urgencies and emergencies.

“The specialty of Urgencies and Emergencies it will be a reality soon”, predicts Tomás Cobo, president of the Collegiate Medical Organization (OMC), who hopes that the creation process will begin before 2023.

Despite the fact that there are several medical disciplines waiting to be created, the president is clear that this has to be the one that launches the new format devised by Health. “It must be the first without a doubt. Now, with this new Royal Decree, the rules of the game are established and they are the ones that we must follow in order for the procedure to begin”, explains Cobo.

The doctor considers that “there is political will” to carry it out and that, furthermore, there is a “big push” by Spanish medicine towards the creation of this specialty. In this sense, Cobo recalls that he already defended the creation of Urgencies and Emergencies during his investiture speech at the head of the WTO and that the assembly of the collegiate medical body already approved promoting its creation.

Why start with Urgencies and Emergencies?

The president of the WTO considers that it is one of the medical disciplines that must “generate yes or yes” and remember that your claim has been going on for years. In addition, he recalls that it is not an initiative that occurs exclusively in Spanish territory. “It is something that fits within the harmonization of medical specialties in Europe. It is not something that Spain has invented,” explains the health president.

Among the reasons for being the first specialty to be created under the umbrella of the new RD, Cobo points out that Urgencies and Emergencies “not only has the purely care scope as such in hospital Emergencies, but also goes further with the design of plans in great catastrophes”. “This has to be carried out by SNS specialists, and more so in Spain with the tragic experiences of major catastrophes,” says Cobo, who is clear that Spanish doctors are well trained in these situations and that the planning of the Emergency and Emergency Services must have a “leadership” of a specialist in this discipline.

What is the process for creating a new specialty?

The ‘rules of the game’ of the new RD begin with the initiation of the procedure If it is considered that the Five criteria established by Health for the creation of a new specialty and is accredited by the need for this specific practice for at least seven Ministries of Health and acceptance by most of them.

The starting of the startup procedure can be given by the promotion of one or several national scientific societies validly constituted and that accredit the representation of, at least, 70 percent of the professionals of that area or by the Human Resources Commission of the National Health System. The request will be submitted electronically at the electronic headquarters of the Ministry of Health.

Once received, a maximum period of three monthss for what General Directorate of Professional Regulation of the Ministry of Health may require applicants to correction of deficiencies found in the application. Furthermore, this body will collect reports professional associations, the National Council of Specialties in Health Sciences and the Human Resources Commission of the SNS, unless the initiative to create the specialty has come from this commission, and a last one with special importance, since it has binding character and what will come from Ministry of Universities.

the later evaluation of the information collected must be announced, prior to a public hearing, before six months have passed from the filing of the application. In case of being approved, the elaboration of the regulations will begin to create the specialty within four months. while if it is deniedit will not be possible to return submit a similar request in the next five years.

Although it may contain statements, data or notes from health institutions or professionals, the information contained in Medical Writing is edited and prepared by journalists. We recommend the reader that any questions related to health be consulted with a health professional.



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