What will be the consequences of current climate change in the coming years?

2023-08-02 12:35:00

The hottest July on record in the Northern Hemisphere has ended and the effects are being felt around the world. To talk about this topic, Channel E contacted the doctor of economics Alberto Ruskolekier who stated that, “climate change is a reality”.

Differences between desertification and desertification

For Russian cholekis, we are experiencing a desertification, which is when changes occur throughout the history of the planet: glaciation, warming. However, when human beings add actions that contribute to rarefying the climate to these natural effects, we are already talking about desertification.

The Paris Conference

The interviewee explained that in 2015 195 countries met in the name the paris conference to see what actions and measures to take as a consequence of these actions. According to Russian cholekisthere had been talk that global warming had to be reduced and the average temperature of the Earth in the pre-industrial era was taken as a starting measure, which should not increase more than a great year and a half.

Along the same lines, the doctor explained that the temperature increased by approximately 1.8, which is why this is causing tremendous situations to such an extent that there are areas of the planet that are becoming desertified, that is to say that the drought causes a heat wave and that lands that were arable, ceased to be, or will cease to be, in the not too distant future.

The commitment of countries to climate change

For Russian cholekis: “Countries are going to have to review what is called taxation: help the planet to be clean and have tax structures that precisely help those capitals that are directed to specific areas, where the greatest financial crisis occurs as a product of global warming”.

According to the interviewee, the economic crises are going to have effects not only in the countries that are affected by this global change, but they are going to have a spiraling effect where there is also going to be an economic structure of the countries that is going to be altered by a population movement.

To end, Russian cholekis expressed: “Politicians have to stop being politicians and start being statesmen thinking about the world to come”.

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