What was the reason for the love story of Monica Lewinsky, former US president and White House employee? Now everything in the movie

What was the reason for the love story of Monica Lewinsky, former US president and White House employee? Now everything in the movie

The affair scandal between former US President Bill Clinton and White House intern Monica Lewinsky is 22 years old.

The US entertainment company ‘FX’ will make a film about the relationship between Monica Lewinsky and Bill Clinton and the impeachment proceedings against the former US president.

Former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton says that if she has ever done one of the bravest things in her life, it is not to divorce former US President Bill Clinton.

According to the report of the foreign news agency, Hilary Clinton along with her daughter Chelsea Clinton became a part of ABC’s morning show, where she appeared with her daughter to promote her book “The Gutsy Woman”.

Meanwhile, the host of the show asked Hilary that she wrote this book with her daughter, but what has she done in her life that she considers courageous? Staying married and not getting divorced is a brave thing for me.

Hilary’s daughter Chelsea Clinton said that she was proud of her mother and liked her answer.

It should be noted that the affair scandal between Bill Clinton and White House intern Monica Lewinsky is 22 years old, but still their affair scandal continues to adorn the world media news.

The two became romantically involved in 1997, when Bill Clinton was serving the last 3 years of his second term, Bill Clinton was the 42nd president from 1993 to 2001

After graduation, Monica Lewinsky joined the White House as a trainee at the age of 21 in 1995, when Bill Clinton was over 49 years old and living in official residence with his wife Hillary Clinton.

Given the growing closeness between Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky and their out-of-the-ordinary meetings, White House senior staffer Linda Tripp secretly obtained Monica Lewinsky’s personal phone data, which It was revealed that she is in a romantic relationship with the president.

According to the former White House employee, she and Bill Clinton had consensual sex for more than a year, even after this news came out, Hillary Clinton supported her husband Bill Clinton. .

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2024-08-16 06:06:35



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