What was the deadlock between the presidents of Venezuela, Paraguay and Uruguay

The VI Celac Summit this Saturday in Mexico was the scene the place the president of Paraguay, Mario Abdo Benítez, that of Uruguay, Luis Lacalle Pou and that of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, confirmed their variations.

The Paraguayan president declared in his speech that his presence on the summit “in no sense or circumstance does it signify recognition of the federal government of Mr. Nicolás Maduro. “There isn’t any change in my authorities’s place and I believe it’s gentlemanly to say it up entrance.”

For his half, Lacalle Pou expressed his concern about what is occurring in Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela.

«Taking part on this discussion board doesn’t imply being complacent, Mr. President, and naturally, with due respect, when one sees that in sure international locations there’s not full democracy; when the separation of powers will not be revered; when these in energy use the repressive equipment to silence protests; when opponents are imprisoned; when human rights should not revered; “We, on this calm however agency voice, should say with concern that we significantly see what is occurring in Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela,” stated the Uruguayan head of state.

Given this, President Nicolás Maduro responded when it was his flip to talk earlier than the heads of States and Governments. «I inform the president of Paraguay: set the date, time and place for a debate on democracy. “We’re prepared to present it.”

Maduro assured, when addressing the president of Uruguay, Luis Lacalle, that Venezuela is able to debate democracy and freedom.

#deadlock #presidents #Venezuela #Paraguay #Uruguay
2024-06-21 08:42:01

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