What vitamins should be consumed when exercising?

When people start to exercise, it is important to keep in mind that not only should they focus on the routines, duration and intensity of the sports activity, but also the diet and vitamins that are consumed are vital for better results.

Vitamins are necessary for the formation of energy and tissue, and for the regulation of metabolism, therefore, the importance of supply the body with these nutrients for better performance in sports.

“When you do physical exercise, your body is making an effort that requires an extra need for vitamins and minerals to keep your body running,” says the portal unCOMO.

If there is a poor diet or poor quality food is consumed, it is very possible that the necessary nutrients are not available to move the muscles when the sports activity is going to be carried out.

According to the portal unCOMO“the most important vitamins for athletes are those of the B complex, because they convert carbohydrates into glucose and this into energy”, in addition, these nutrients are essential for cellular energy processes.

In the aforementioned portal they also explain that vitamin B1 “is crucial for endurance sports.” For its part, vitamin B2 “is necessary for an optimal state of health”, in addition, it is important “for the proper function of B3 and B4”. In general, these vitamins help improve the physical performance that athletes seek.

Other vitamins that specialists also advise to improve the performance of athletes are C and E. Both have antioxidant properties.

There is plenty of vitamin C, this is essential for iron absorption; Another of its contributions is the basic collagen synthesis for the stability of the connective tissue.Explain unCOMO. Vitamin E serves to prevent muscle damage and helps recovery following a day of sports activity.

On the website muse style indicate that vitamin A is important, because it helps prevent wear and tear on joints and bones.

For sports practice, the experts They recommend consuming a good diet to provide enough energy that the body needs for certain physical tests, such as finishing a race or simply to enjoy a sport or recreational activity.

On the website Medline plus indicate that you are “more likely to tire and underperform during sports when you don’t get enough”:

  • Calories.
  • carbohydrates.
  • liquids.
  • Iron, vitamins and other minerals.
  • Protein.

In addition to vitamins, for specialists, the intake of other nutrients is necessary to enjoy exercise and have enough energy to be up to the sporting challenge.

Iron is to avoid fatigue and improve your physical performance, this nutrient is also essential to strengthen the immune system, enhances memory and alertness of the body.

The lack of ironproduces various effects on the body, such as increased tiredness, paleness, memory loss, mild tachycardia and decreased performance at all levels”, they indicate in unCOMO.

Another essential nutrient is potassium, which is one of the essential minerals for the body, especially for people who practice physical activity on a regular basis.

Potassium helps in the transmission of nerve impulses,”to prevent muscle contractions and for the maintenance of healthy blood pressure levels”, indica unCOMO. This nutrient is also recommended by experts to treat muscle pain and weakness.

In Medline plus recommend the consumption of water, as it is one of the “most important nutrients and, however, the most undervalued by athletes”. Water and fluids keep your body hydrated and at the right temperature when you exercise.

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