What to prepare for Tet?

There are many things to do in these busy days that make many couples tired: shopping for Tet, giving gifts, cleaning the house, decorating for spring, summarizing the old year, planning the new year… Let’s sit down and make a schedule to do things the way that works best.

Preparing Tet gifts: Giving gifts on Tet holiday is part of our country’s traditional custom. Not only the “Tet” of superiors, gift giving also takes place between families in relatives, families with long-term intimacy and friends… Tet gifts are sometimes sophisticated, sometimes just a couple. Chung cake, spring rolls, wine bottles… The main thing about giving gifts back and forth is to show affection and visit each other before Tet. This is a rather time-consuming step, so it is necessary to select and arrange it properly, avoiding the need for sophisticated gifts that will make you more pressured.

Tet gifts are an indispensable part of Vietnamese families when Tet is near.

Shopping for clothes and food: If your family does not have time, at this time the whole family can take advantage of visiting supermarkets or markets to buy necessary things: clothes for family members, jam cakes for Tet, soft drinks, Beer, spring rolls, spring rolls… For families who pack banh chung and make pickles, palanquins, onions, they should buy and prepare around the 27th day of the New Year. Fresh food should wait until near Tet to buy to ensure freshness. Today’s supermarkets and markets also reopen quite early (about the 2nd of Tet), so housewives only need to prepare fresh food for the first 2 days of the new year.

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The purchase of essential things for Tet should be carried out early to avoid updating.

Summarize the old year and make plans for the new year: This is usually an activity in many families to look back on what has been done and what has not been done in the past year. Parents should also ask their children to make a summary and list what has not been done. At the same time, members should write down orientations for the new year with new goals to be achieved.

Outing plan for Tet holidays: Don’t wait until New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day to think about where to go and what to do. The whole family should plan together where to go, who to visit. Many families do not schedule in advance, so they often let the New Year days pass quickly and just stay at home, not going far.

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