What to Know About Peanuts and Weight Gain

2023-12-05 18:08:00

Introductory reminder about peanuts

Peanuts are the fruits of the peanut plant, a plant native to South America. They are born underground, protected by their pods; hence these numerous nicknames: ground pea, ground pistachio, ground cocoa…

Taste characteristics

For thousands of years, the strong flavor of peanuts and their crunchy texture have been appreciated. “This ingredient is also the basis of many savory and sweet preparations : spread, cakes, biscuits or even peanut butter” indicates Alexandra Murcier, dietitian nutritionist.

Also discover our articles on certain foods and their effect on weight such as salt, cheese, yogurt, eggs and even dark chocolate.

Composition: the main nutritional characteristics of peanuts and their health benefits

Peanuts are one of the most nutritionally complete everyday foods. In this way, they actively participate in the daily intake (RDA) of certain nutrients essential for the health of the body. They are, among other things, rich in:

  • Vitamins : the vitamins (E and folic acid) they contain are necessary for the nervous system and during pregnancy, help prevent congenital malformations of the fetuses.
  • Minerals : the potassium, magnesium, zinc, but also the selenium they contain are essential for keeping the body in good health (regulating blood pressure, supporting nervous and muscular functions or ensuring the proper functioning of the immune system… )
  • Fibers : their fiber content is renowned for their ability to prevent or relieve digestive disorders.
  • Proteins : “Through their peanut content, peanuts can help maintain muscle mass and are an excellent snack due to their satiating effect” adds Alexandra Murcier. Count 26.1 g of protein per 100 peanuts, almost as much as per 100 g of cooked meat, for example, which contains 27.2 g (source 1).
  • Peanuts are low in carbohydrates (14.8 g/100 g), unlike their high fiber, protein, and healthy fat content. Which makes it an ally for those who want to maintain the line.

A “rich” calorie dried fruit. How many kcal per 100 g?

Despite their interesting nutrient content, peanuts remain foods rich in calories (count 632 kcal/100 g) or 189.6 kcal for a handful of 30 g of peanuts (source 2). Which therefore makes it a rich food to consume occasionally and in moderation.

One of the problems with peanuts is that they are often found in a salted version, which is therefore much less healthy than if they were in their raw state. Alexandra Murcier, nutritionist.

The benefits of peanuts as part of a diet

  • Peanuts require more chewing, which helps to eat more slowly and not overeat, thereby stimulating the body to send full stomach signals to the satiety centers of the brain.
  • Research has shown that the consumption of dried fruits and peanuts is associated with a lower risk of developing cardiovascular pathologies and diabetes, in particular due to the protective effect of polyphenols present in these foods (source 2).

Is it good to eat peanuts when you have diabetes?

“Thanks to their content of unsaturated fats, antioxidants and polyphenols, peanuts can in fact, help limit cardiovascular complications which particularly affect type II diabetics” explains the nutritionist.

Consuming peanuts when you have cholesterol, wrong or good idea?

Peanuts can easily be integrated into a diet, including when you suffer from a high level of bad cholesterol. “ On condition, however, that you do not fall for the versions that are too fatty and too salty (snack, spread, etc.)bad in many ways for the body” warns the dietitian.

How to eat peanuts without gaining weight?

  • Avoid its derivative products often too rich in fat (spreads, snacks, flavored chocolate bars, etc.)
  • Choosing peanuts in raw state, unsalted.
  • Jointly, practice regular physical activity.
  • Insert their consumption into a varied and balanced diet.

Is peanut butter good for your health?

Some commercial peanut butters may contain added sugar and hydrogenated oils, which can harm the nutritional quality of this ingredient and its benefits for the body. If this product is, however, consumed in moderation, chosen organic and natural, it can then become an interesting alternative to butter, due to its good fat content (such as monounsaturated acids necessary to fight cholesterol) and its low glycemic index (rising blood sugar level).

How much peanuts to eat per day?

“It is advisable to limit yourself to a handful per day, or approximately 30 g. This portion could, for example, be eaten alone as a snack when feeling hungry or integrated into a savory or sweet preparation,” explains the nutritionist.

Is it good to eat peanuts every day?

If their quantity is moderate, eating peanuts every day should not be dangerous for the body. However, the key to a good balanced diet lies in the variety of foods (fruits, vegetables, meat, fish, dairy products, etc.), it would be better to avoid eating it daily. At the risk of not covering all the nutritional needs essential to the proper functioning of the body.

In short: it will be preferable to alternate their consumption with other dried fruits such as almonds, nuts, raisins, pistachios, etc.

Is it good to eat peanuts in the evening?

“Peanuts being rich in protein, fiber and vitamins; it can be good to eat peanuts (unsalted) in the evening, in order to avoid certain nighttime cravings and provided they are included in a diversified and balanced diet” indicates Alexandra Murcier.

What are the side effects of eating peanuts regularly?

  • Weight gain : as mentioned above, excessive and regular consumption of peanuts can promote weight gain and the problems that ensue: cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, etc.
  • Risk of contamination : according to the European Food Safety Authority (source 3), one of the toxins of greatest concern linked to peanuts is a mold that produces aflatoxin, which is a carcinogen that increases the risk of liver cancer.
  • Lack of Omega-3 fatty acids : Although peanuts are an excellent source of omega-6 fatty acids, they lack Omega-3 fatty acid (important for maintaining good health). “Our bodies need a combination of Omega-3 and Omega-6. A deficiency in Omega-3 fatty acids could cause inflammation, heart disease and other health problems,” raises the nutritionist.
  • The risk of allergy : Peanut allergy, which includes peanuts, is one of the most common food allergies, particularly among children. It is therefore recommended not to give too much to young children and not to consume it in the event of proven allergies, regardless of age.

How do I know if I am allergic to peanuts?

The symptoms of a peanut allergy can range from hives (itching, pimples, etc.), through skin redness, paleness, cramps, anxiety, etc. to Quincke’s edema (source 4).

You will have understood that if peanuts are not contraindicated on a diet, it would still be better to moderate their consumption to avoid gaining extra pounds.

#Peanuts #Weight #Gain

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