what to give your child?

2023-09-30 08:30:00

Does your child want to have more independence by going to school? No worries, it’s completely normal. Except that he must have his first means of communication in order to be reachable in the event of problems. Between a smartphone or a connected watchthe choice is therefore quite difficult.

Many parents often wonder at what age their child should get a smartphone. And many experts say that it is between 10 and 14 years of age that it is possible to entrust them with this type of device. On the other hand, it is possible to have them wear a smartwatch, even in kindergarten. So here’s what it’s all about.

The advantages of connected watches

A large number of parents are often anxious knowing that their children are living in an environment where they are not present. This is why, the brands like Gabb invented connected watches specially designed for little ones.

Most of these smartwatches are intended for 5-12 year olds. They offer features such as messaging and calls. Then there is also the GPS tracking and applications managed by parental controls like a list of pre-approved contacts.

In this way, parents and children can remainder and contact without this preventing the little ones from gradually gaining independence. Additionally, it can also enable them to acquire healthy, age-appropriate technology skills. Using a smartwatch therefore meets all of these expectations.

A tool allowing better cognitive development of the child

The children’s connected watch market accelerated these last years. This is because many parents understood that there was a rreal need for a communication tool for their offspring. And many experts in education on the uses of new technologies affirm that children should now have access to this area.

To learn to become responsible users technology, they must learn the basics. From how to charge a device to how not to lose it, they need to learn how to manage the devices in their possession. And, more importantly, learn not to let a device take control of their life.

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A technology that must be mastered

Until now, it is not uncommon to see that very young children own a smartphone. These devices come with a ton of features. And they appeared long before smartwatches, which is why their popularity is so great. However, the connected watches are alternatives that can change the game. Gabb CEO Nate Randle and the company’s vice president of product believe so.

Smartwatches are small tools that are just as powerful as smartphones. But their size constitutes a major asset in children’s learning. A controlled exposure to these small screens helps little ones avoid the risks that larger screens represent. For example, not everyone can have access to social networks via their smartwatch. And that’s very good, because their mastery of technology must happen gradually.

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