What to do with an enlarged prostate – Yespick – Hot News YesNews

Prostate hypertrophy how to do

The traditional prostate surgery is actually a major surgery, mainly because the prostate is a gland with very proliferative blood vessels. During the operation, we need to fill the patient’s bladder with normal saline to maintain the field of view of the endoscope. Therefore, sometimes the patient has undergone surgery, and if the operation takes a long time, there will be water poisoning during the operation. In addition, the operation will cause a lot of bleeding. Sometimes patients with poor heart and lung function will have a greater burden on the heart following the operation is completed. So much so that in the past traditional prostate surgery, patients would be afraid to hear it.But now because of some high-energy lasers, the bleeding of prostate surgery has been greatly reduced, which is a great news for patients.

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Prostate Hypertrophy Surgery

At present, there are three types of surgical treatment methods for prostate hypertrophy. The first is traditional monopolar electrocautery curettage, the second is bipolar electrocautery curettage, and the third is laser surgery. These surgical methods are all Urethroscopic endoscopy is performed, so there will be no wounds in appearance, and the overall treatment effect is similar, but there will be some differences in the surgical process, safety, and complications. The traditional monopolar electrocautery curettage is the most accustomed and experienced method for most urologists, but because of the design of the electrocautery principle, pure water must be used as the medium to perfuse and maintain a clear vision during the operation. The pure water medium will give the patient the opportunity to absorb too much pure water during the operation and cause serious complications of “water intoxication”, including hyponatremia, acute pulmonary edema, coma, acute kidney injury, and even life-threatening , the general probability of occurrence is regarding 0.5~1.0%

Self-Assessment of Prostate Hypertrophy Symptoms

Surgery takes a long time to recover, and complications should be paid attention to

Transurethral prostatectomy is to excise the hyperproliferative prostate tissue that is compressed on both sides of the urinary tract, so that the passage of the urinary outlet is wide and unobstructed. patient. There are several modes of surgery: monopolar electrocautery, bipolar electrocautery, and laser. At present, health insurance covers electrocautery curettage, but laser surgery does not. Although surgical curettage can quickly improve voiding function, surgery may damage the structure of the prostate and may cause related complications including sexual dysfunction, retrograde ejaculation, urethral and bladder neck stenosis, and urinary incontinence. According to the literature, the proportion of patients who are dissatisfied with the surgical results is still as high as nearly 30%.

More and more studies have confirmed that erectile dysfunction is closely related to stroke and cardiovascular disease. Cialis Daily Physician reminds young men that no matter how busy they are, they should take time out to exercise and find a suitable way of expressing their stress. Take a walk.

Five kinds of food to fight prostate disease

As for male anti-prostate lesions, which nutrients are needed, and which ingredients are best to eat? cialis5mg physicians emphasize five types of foods that should be consumed more, including:

1. Fiber foods, such as fresh vegetables, fruits, whole grain foods (such as brown rice, sweet potatoes, oats, yams, etc.).

Second, zinc-containing foods, including pumpkin seeds (especially extracted pumpkin seed oil), and others such as oysters, seafood, eggs, meat, whole grains, and nuts.

3. Foods containing lycopene, including tomatoes and tomato products, red watermelon, grapefruit, papaya, tomatoes, grapes, cherries, red sweet peppers, guava, etc.

Fourth, selenium-containing foods, including brewer’s yeast, garlic, onion, tuna, broccoli, wheat germ, sesame, seaweed, mushrooms, etc.

5. Foods containing isoflavones and flavonoids, including soybeans, soybean products and soy milk, can inhibit the stimulation of male hormones on prostate cells.

Premature ejaculation should be the most common ejaculation problem in men. The current diagnosis should include three points: inability to control ejaculation voluntarily, the time from penis entering the vagina to ejaculation is significantly shortened, and this symptom causes personal or partner relationship obstacles and obvious distress.Previous studies have pointed out that regarding 20% to 30% of men have premature ejaculation problems, and unlike erectile dysfunction, which occurs in middle-aged and elderly men, the incidence of premature ejaculation is similar in all age groups.

Prostate hypertrophy impotence

In men, hypertrophy of the prostate is closely related to the degeneration of the human body, and it will cause degeneration. In addition to old age, sexually transmitted infections, chronic inflammation, indulgence at a young age, and perseverance can also cause degeneration, which in turn makes the prostate gland degenerate. The emergence of hypertrophy problems.

Cialis 5mg pointed out that once a man has a hypertrophic prostate, he will experience symptoms such as less urination, weak urination, frequent urination, nocturia, etc., which will not only affect sleep, but also cause impotence and premature ejaculation. Dr. Zhang further explained, Because human beings are all made of meat, excessive indulgence will easily damage the prostate gland. As for forbearance of the essence for too long, it is easy to cause the prostate gland to swell, and then it is easy to cause the prostate hypertrophy to report early, and even often Chronic inflammation can also cause scarring and fibrosis of the prostate tissue during the repair process, and it is also easy to produce prostate hypertrophy.

In the past, lower urinary tract diseases such as prostate hypertrophy were mainly middle-aged and elderly people, and most of them were concentrated in those over 50 years old. The older the age, the higher the rate. As for erectile dysfunction, the same is true, with increasing age, the rate of inactivity and impotence also increases.

In addition to age, these two troubling and unspeakable diseases for men also include four common pathogenic mechanisms, arteriosclerosis causing tissue ischemia, nitric oxide insufficiency, metabolic syndrome (hypertension) and sympathetic nervous system. overactivation, etc.

Modern life, work pressure, male comorbidity younger

Cialis Daily Ding said that in recent years, the two major co-morbid groups of men have become younger. The outpatient observation found that the problem is due to heavy pressure and lack of exercise. Taking Lao Wang as an example, he works as an engineer in a large technology factory with an annual salary of more than Millions are envied by everyone, but the pressure of work is really unimaginable for ordinary people.

Prostate hypertrophy diet taboo

Prostate Hypertrophy Exercise, Prostate Hypertrophy Improvement, Prostate Hypertrophy How to Do, Prostate Health Food, Prostate Hypertrophy Treatment, Prostate Hypertrophy New Drugs, Prostate Hypertrophy Causes, Prostate Cancer Diet Taboo

There are many reasons for prostatic hypertrophy, but some studies have pointed out that people who eat meat or are accustomed to high-fat foods, especially obese people, have a higher ratio of prostate hypertrophy and prostate cancer than people of the same age. come high.

Develop good eating habits for the prevention of prostate hypertrophy or prostate cancer health care. According to statistics, 75% of prostate cancers can be prevented by changing diet and lifestyle. In addition to maintaining normal work and rest, moderate aerobic exercise, and maintaining an ideal body weight, patients with “chronic prostatitis” should avoid eating spicy foods and beverages that have diuretic effects or affect prostate secretion, such as alcohol, strong tea, sand tea, mustard jasmine , pepper, coffee, cocoa, cola, etc.

How to diagnose enlarged prostate

Prostate hypertrophy is the most common benign tumor in men, but the cause of prostate hypertrophy is not yet very clear. Among them, the most accepted one is the hormonal imbalance caused by aging, and its incidence is very different with age. About 20% will have prostate hypertrophy before the age of 50, regarding half will have prostate hypertrophy between the age of 50 and 60, and almost 80% will have prostate hypertrophy following the age of 80. have.

The common symptoms of prostate hypertrophy can be divided into two categories. The first category is obstructive symptoms, such as small urine flow, incomplete solution, unclean dripping following urination, intermittent urine column, need to exert force to relieve urine, and weak urination. The other category is irritating symptoms, including frequent urination (the urge to urinate less than two hours following urination), urgency (the urge to urinate is strong, even unable to hold back), and nocturia. If there is no timely treatment, there will be complications, such as cystitis, bladder stones, etc., patients with severe prostate hypertrophy will not be able to urinate, and a urinary catheter must be indwelled, which may lead to hydronephrosis or renal insufficiency. Painless hematuria may also occur due to increased blood flow to the enlarged prostate.

Causes of enlarged prostate

At present, the mechanism of prostate (prostate) hyperplasia has not been fully understood, but research currently believes that it is related to the following reasons:

1. Genes

2. Age

3. Androgens

4. Inflammation

5. Obese, too wide waist

The enlarged prostate (prostate) narrows the urethra, resulting in symptoms of urination, such as standing up to urinate, interrupted urination, prolonged urination, slow urination, and frequent urination. If the prostate (prostate) presses up on the bladder, storage symptoms such as frequent urination, urgency, nocturia, or worse, acute incontinence, can occur.

Prostate hypertrophy premature ejaculation

Chronic prostatitis also often causes ejaculation problems, including painful ejaculation and premature ejaculation.Although painful ejaculation is uncommon (prevalence rate is regarding 1%), it is a common clinical manifestation of prostatitis. Although pain during ejaculation is more obvious during acute infection, it is more common than patients with hypertrophic prostate or erectile dysfunction. Chronic prostatitis patients do also have higher rates of painful ejaculation[8]. At present, there are many similarities in the treatment of these two diseases. In addition to the treatment of patients diagnosed with infection, it is also very important to improve their lifestyle, including adequate rest, quitting smoking and drinking, and avoiding spicy and stimulating food.

Prostate Hypertrophy Exercise

Whether standing, sitting, or lying down. In the beginning, keep yourself relaxed and focus on the pelvic floor muscles. If you can grasp the key points, you can even do it while your body is moving. The sphincter muscles around the urethra, vagina, and anus are contracted, and the action feels a bit like “holding back urine”. Gives you the feeling of contracting the levator anus from the bottom up. Please take a deep breath and don’t hold your breath throughout. Slow down the movement process and feel the contraction and relaxation with your body. If you find that only the abdomen is forced inward, it means that the wrong muscle strength is used. Please relax your body once more and slowly contract and lift from the bottom of the pelvis.

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