What to do when encountering a coyote?

In recent years, an upsurge of coyotes in urban areas has been observed. Éric Dussault, general manager at Rescue Animal, explains how to react if you encounter this animal.

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According to this expert, the increased presence of coyotes is a consequence of urban sprawl.

Mr. Dussault says some feed them.

“Given that in urban settings they have food, even more than enough, they are calmer animals with full bellies and not necessarily edgy or looking for food,” he said.

Although the coyote fears humans, it still represents a risk.

Moreover, very young children and pets might be targeted.

“Coyotes, like most animals, will recommend flight before attacking anyone,” explains the expert.

It is therefore advisable to leave the necessary space for the animal so that it can escape.

If the animal does not flee, the General Manager of Animal Rescue recommends waving your arms in the air, making noise and never turning your back to the animal.

The presence of young and the inability to flee are factors that can make an animal aggressive, according to Mr. Dussault.

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