2023-08-20 14:05:12
Las registered domestic workers can make the decision quit one of your jobsbut for this they must do some specific procedures to discharge their responsibilities, which reach both parties to the employment relationship.
In case that the domestic employee has been the one who decides to resign to their responsibilities at work, she must notify her employers ten days in advance.
Besides, the maid is recommended to send a resignation telegram to inform regarding their departure from work and the termination of the contract.
Domestic workers: What must the employer do if I quit?
Once termination of the employment relationship between the domestic worker and her employerit is the responsibility of this deregister the worker from a private home before AFIPby processing it on the website of the official body.
Ante AFIPhas to complete the leave form of the domestic employee in an integral waywith all the data that was loaded at the beginning of the employment relationship to register it.
Thus, once that instance is made, the leave of the private home worker must be confirmed to terminate the employment relationship.
#quit #job