What to do if you get a cramp in the water – How to stop it

What to do if you get a cramp in the water – How to stop it

Cramps are very unpleasant and unfortunately more frequent in the summer due to heavy sweating and the loss of fluids, calcium and potassium from the body.

During a cramp, the muscles are in constant contraction, while the most common causes are intense exercise, sports, gymnastics, and daily chores that constitute increased muscle activity.

Unfortunately they happen completely suddenly and without warning, which means you can be caught even while swimming. In addition to severe pain, cramps do not allow the affected muscles to function normally, so care must be taken when dealing with them.

They usually affect the calves, thighs or abdomen.

The muscles most susceptible are:

• The posterior tibials (gastrocnemius- hypotibialis).

• The hamstrings (biceps – semitendinosus – semimembranosus).

• The flexors of the fingers of the foot and hand.

• The rectus abdominis.

• The muscles in the neck area (sternocleidomastoid).

• The muscles in the back area (trapezius – levator scapulae).

• Generally the muscles that lift weights (back).

According to what has been observed around cramps:

• Muscle contraction sometimes occurs suddenly and sometimes warns.

• It is common in cold weather or in water. Sudden cold or sudden high temperature can be equally responsible for the cramp.

• The conditions of a diet and the worsening of local circulation, with tight clothing or with an elastic bandage, favor the induction of cramp.

• Overexertion creates conditions for cramping

• It also often occurs after sudden movements and prolonged exertion (long distance roads).

• Observed in athletes who use alcohol and coffee. It occurs more in people who are possessed by anxiety and intense psychological pressure.

• The concentration of harmful substances in the body (eg lactic acid) or the lack of electrolytes (chlorides) seem to create suitable conditions for cramping.

How to deal with a cramp

1. If you get a cramp, try stretching your leg by pointing the toes upwards while gently massaging the area.

2. You can prevent cramps if you do a little exercise during the day or before going to bed. You can, for example, do some stretching or stationary cycling for a few minutes or stretch your calf by grabbing your toes, pulling them up and keeping your leg as straight as possible.

3. Heat also prevents cramps. Use a heating pad on your calf for 10 minutes before lying down or cover your legs lightly with a blanket.

4. Enrich your diet with calcium and magnesium. Both have the property of regulating muscle activity. Calcium helps in contraction and magnesium in their expansion, so the disturbance of the balance of the two components can also disturb the functioning of the muscles. Foods that can help are whole grains, green vegetables, nuts and legumes.

5. Another component whose deficiency seems to contribute to their appearance is potassium. Therefore, prefer fresh vegetables, such as cabbage, peas, corn, peppers and potatoes, but also fresh fruits, such as bananas, apples, oranges and apricots, which contain significant amounts of potassium.

7. If the cramps persist, definitely visit your doctor as it may be a sign of a more serious condition that needs medical intervention, such as circulatory problems, metabolic or hormonal problems, etc.

If you get a cramp while swimming in the deep, don’t panic, turn on your back and try to stretch the cramped leg with the toes of your other foot, pressing on the toes. If you can’t make it, swim slowly to shore in a supine position.

When you go to the beach, stretch the cramping area or give it a light massage. Drink plenty of water to hydrate. A warm towel or a warm bath can relieve the pain.

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#cramp #water #stop



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