What time does the President speak and everything you need to know about the event this Saturday, September 28

Javier Milei Launches the National Party of La Libertad Avanza at an Event in Parque Lezama

This Saturday, Javier Milei will present the national party of La Libertad Avanza at Parque Lezama, located at the boundary of the Buenos Aires neighborhoods of San Telmo and La Boca. Karina Milei will preside over the event. A screening of part of a series about the President is expected to take place around 7 p.m., and it is possible that the Secretary General of the Presidency will also speak, with the libertarian economist giving the closing remarks.

The President chose the same location he visited for the first time during the 2021 campaign when he was elected deputy, and he returned for the presidential election. He intends to use this opportunity to showcase himself alongside La Libertad Avanza leaders from Salta, Santa Fe, Mendoza, Córdoba, the City, Chubut, Chaco, Santa Cruz, Neuquén, and La Rioja.

This will be the first time since May 22, when he presented his latest book at Luna Park and performed a song by La Renga, that the head of state participates in a party activity. On May 25 in Córdoba, he also spoke at an event at the local Town Hall.

At a peak moment in his presidency, following the veto of retirement mobility, the blocking of increased university funding, and while working to approve the 2025 Budget, Milei is returning to the roots of his political emergence and the campaign style that advisor Santiago Caputo employs, in which he feels at ease.

Javier Milei Presents La Libertad Avanza National Party at Parque Lezama Event

Event Overview

This Saturday, Javier Milei will present the national party of La Libertad Avanza at a significant event in Parque Lezama, strategically located on the borders of the Buenos Aires neighborhoods of San Telmo and La Boca. This important political gathering is set to begin around 7 p.m., with attendees anticipating a screening of part of a series dedicated to the President. There is also a possibility that the Secretary General of the Presidency may address the crowd, followed by a closing speech from the libertarian economist himself.

A Historic Venue for Political Engagement

The choice of Parque Lezama holds profound significance for Milei. This is the same venue where he first addressed the public during his 2021 campaign, marking his transition to deputy, and where he repeated his rallying cries during the presidential election campaign. The event will serve as an opportunity to display solidarity with key LLA shipowners from various provinces, including Salta, Santa Fe, Mendoza, Córdoba, Chubut, Chaco, Santa Cruz, Neuquén, and La Rioja.

Recent Political Context

This gathering marks Javier Milei’s first active participation in a party event since May 22, when he launched his latest book at Luna Park and performed a song from La Renga. His last engagement was on May 25 in Córdoba, delivering a speech at the local Town Hall. Current events indicate that Milei stands at a crucial high point of his presidency, navigating the challenges of vetoing retirement mobility, blocking the expansion of university fund allocations, and his endeavor to approve the 2025 Budget.

Milei’s Political Strategy

Javier Milei’s return to the roots of his political emergence reflects a strategic approach that resonates with his grassroots support base. The campaign format, heavily influenced by advisor Santiago Caputo, allows Milei to connect intimately with his supporters while addressing pressing economic and political issues. This dynamic engagement fosters a stronger bond, which is essential for mobilizing future support.

Key Highlights of the Event

  • Location: Parque Lezama, Buenos Aires
  • Date and Time: Saturday at 7 p.m.
  • Activities:
    • Screening of a series about Javier Milei
    • Expected speech from the Secretary General of the Presidency
    • Closing remarks by Javier Milei
  • Participation: Regional representatives from various provinces

Impact on Argentine Politics

The establishment of La Libertad Avanza as a national party signifies a pivotal shift in Argentina’s political landscape. As Javier Milei extends his influence, the party aims to establish itself as a formidable force, advocating for libertarian principles primarily focused on individual freedoms, limited government intervention, and fiscal responsibility. This presentation is expected to bolster the party’s visibility and consolidate support, especially in a political climate that is increasingly responsive to libertarian ideas.

Benefits of Participating in Political Events

Attending political events like the one hosted by Javier Milei offers numerous advantages:

  • Increased Awareness: Engaging with political discourse enhances understanding of complex issues.
  • Community Building: These events create opportunities for networking and connecting with like-minded individuals.
  • Empowerment: Participation fosters a sense of agency and involvement in the democratic process.
  • Access to Information: Attendees gain insights directly from political leaders and influencers.


Anticipated Outcomes

With significant expectations surrounding this event, the successful launch of the La Libertad Avanza party is likely to resonate throughout the nation, prompting discussions on libertarian policies and enhancing Milei’s political capital.

Case Study: Javier Milei’s Journey to Power

Year Event Significance
2021 Campaign Launch Became Deputy
2023 Presidential Election Gained Presidency
2023 Launch of La Libertad Avanza Solidifying Political Movement



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