what time does the lockdown start

2023-07-05 01:35:00

This Tuesday a measure of national strength of the Piquetera Unit was carried out. they organized cuts, encampments and mobilizations in different points of Neuquén and Río Negro. The organizations positioned themselves on the Neuquén-Cipolletti highway bridges, and on Route 22 in Plottier, Roca and Villa Regina. ANDThe latter got up at noon and the rest did so following 4:00 p.m. However, this Wednesday the blockades resumed.

Luis Ramírez, leader of the PO, informed Diario RÏO NEGRO that this Wednesday the organizations that make up the Piquetera Unit will demonstrate once more. They will gather at 10 o’clock, in front of the VItal wholesaler and then they will go to the highway bridges to start a total cut. «It will be for an indefinite period,” he said.

He noted that unlike what happened on Tuesday, the blockades will only focus on the interprovincial crossing “as a show of goodwill that we want things to be resolved.”

As happened on Tuesday, the circulation through the Third Bridge will be released.

In a brief statement issued by the organizations, it was indicated that there was no news “in relation to responses from the national government.”

On Tuesday morning, the demonstration was concentrated in Neuquén, from 10 o’clock, in front of the Vital wholesaler, and moved towards the area of ​​interprovincial bridges. the blockade It was total and started following 10:30. The circulation through the Third Bridge was released.

another of the protests was in Plottier with a cut on Route 22, at the height of the entrance to the Workers’ Cooperative.

In addition, demonstrations were called in front of the municipalities of Cutral Co, Plaza Huincul, Zapala and Chos Malal.

Cuts on Route 22, in Roca and Regina

From the Piquetero Unit they confirmed the demonstrations in the province of Río Negro, on Route 22. In Villa Regina, where they concentrated and cut from 10 at the height of the intersection with Avenida San Martíno, but arrivals 13 lifted the measure.

while in Roca, the total traffic cut was on Route 22 and Avenida Roca, on the roundregarding, from 11 in the morning. Silvina Morales, a reference from the Front of Organizations in Struggle (FOL) assured that it would be until 1:00 p.m. and then they would dial up to Plaza de las Banderas.

Furthermore, they had anticipated that they would carry out protests in the municipalities of Choele Choel and Lamarque, also in the municipal palace of Roca, but they re-evaluated moving towards the national route.

Bridge cut and Route 22, for an indefinite period and with camping

Luis Ramírez, a leader of the Polo Obrero (PO) of Neuquén highlighted in “Rarranquemos”, by RÍO NEGRO RADIO, that the Tuesday’s protest would be for an indefinite period and that he talks regarding holding it until Friday.

He explained that the campsites would be maintained on the highway bridges on the Cipolletti side and also on Route 22 in Allen and Villa Regina.

Bridge closures and Route 22: the reasons

In a statement they stated that they demand integral supply to the soup kitchens. In addition, in the message from the Piquetero Unit, they remarked that they request delivery “of the necessary tools for self-managed work, inflation compensatory bonus, and increase in social programs according to inflation.

“There is a shortage of dining rooms and picnic areas in Argentina. they will be four months that the national State is not delivering the committed merchandise, leaving millions without food”, added Luis Ramírez, leader of the Polo Obrero.

Listen to Luis Ramírez, a leader of the Polo Obrero (PO), on RÍO NEGRO RADIO:

Tune in to RÍO NEGRO RADIO. Listen to us on FM 90.9 from Neuquén, on FM 91.9 from Roca, on rionegro.com.ar/radio or through our App (here for Androidhere for iOS).

Attention traffic on Route 7: Oil tankers have an assembly in Añelo

The Private Oil and Gas union of Río Negro, Neuquén and La Pampa called a new assembly for its members on Tuesday. The call was made following, a few days ago, the last parity agreement was confirmed, which establishes an 85% salary increase from July to March 2024.

“This is a historic agreement.“, he had commented General Secretary, Marcelo Rucci.

The union did not detail the reasons for the assembly, but it was clarified that it will be “general and informative” and that will be held at 10 in the field of Private Oil Tankers of Añeloon kilometer 175 on Provincial Route 7.

The agreement reached last week is divided into different monthly increments: 10% for July, 10% for August, 7.5% for September.

October 15 a quarterly review clause is executed. Then 10% for November, 17.5% for December, 17.5% February 2024 and March 10%. On April 1, a new review clause is executed.

The Pino Hachado pass was closed

#time #lockdown #start

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