What time does it start, route and where to see

Where does the parade go on September 16?

The military parade corresponding to the 212th anniversary of the beginning of the Independence of Mexico, will begin on Avenida 20 de Noviembre to surround the Zócalo, advance along Calle 5 de Mayo until reaching Avenida Juárez, followed by Paseo de la Reforma until reaching Campo Marte. where your tour will end.

There will be closure of pedestrian and vehicular accesses in the first square of the Center of Mexico City, as Republic of Venezuela street and on Eje Central Lázaro Cárdenas, Eje 1 Oriente and José María Izazaga avenues.

Where to see the parade?

After two years of the covid-19 pandemic not allowing access to parade attendees, this year people will be allowed access to the Zócalo of Mexico City, who will be able to closely observe the members of the different armed forces.

However, for those people who prefer to enjoy it from a distance, they can watch it on open television or follow it live on social networks of the Ministry of National Defense.

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