what time awaits us – The Time

The current situation that sees the cold drop moving eastwards, thanks to the bad weather phase of the past few days; at the same time, a high pressure field is expanding eastwards, also involving Italy. In this period, we will see a gradual improvement in the weather with sunny days and an increase in temperatures, although some afternoon thunderstorms could still occur, especially in the mountains. During the last weekend of August, the heat will return but without excesses, especially in the Center-North. According to the latest updates from the Centro Meteo Italia, the high pressure should persist also during the last week of the month; however, both the GFS and the European models still show some signs of weakening with the possible transit of a cold drop at high altitude for the last days of the month.

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Forecast for today in the north. In the morning some cloudiness over the Triveneto but without significant associated phenomena, large spaces of clear skies elsewhere. In the afternoon local phenomena between Veneto and Friuli, sunny skies over the other regions. In the evening stable weather conditions will return with a prevalent absence of cloudiness. In the center. In the morning clear skies or at most slightly cloudy. In the afternoon cumuliform cloudiness forming on the mountains, unchanged weather elsewhere. In the evening the weather will return to dry with completely clear skies. In the south and on the islands. In the morning clear skies or slightly cloudy. In the afternoon local showers expected between Campania, Basilicata and Calabria, no changes in the remaining sectors. In the evening stability that returns to prevail in all sectors with clear or slightly cloudy skies. Minimum and maximum temperatures increasing from north to south. Weather forecast for tomorrow in the north. In the morning stable weather in all regions but with many low and compact cloudiness.

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In the afternoon showers and thunderstorms developing locally on the Alps and Apennines, drier with sunny skies on the Po Valley and Liguria. In the evening the weather will generally improve with gradual clearings. In the center. In the morning widespread stability in all regions with a prevalence of clear skies. In the afternoon local showers and thunderstorms developing in the inland areas, especially in the Apennines, sunny on the coasts. In the evening the weather will return to dry with clear or partly cloudy skies. In the south and on the islands. In the morning stable weather with clear skies in all regions. In the afternoon local showers or thunderstorms expected in the inland areas of the peninsula and Sicily, no changes in the remaining areas. In the evening stability will return to prevailing in all areas with clear or partly cloudy skies. Minimum temperatures generally rising, maximum temperatures increasing or decreasing in the North and Sardinia and increasing in the Center-South and Sicily.

#time #awaits #Time
2024-08-22 01:02:56



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