We continue in the Leo season and in general, the energy points to facing challenges with height and with great strength. It is a time to calm down at work and be more flexible in love.
Horoscope free today Aries August 9
My dear Aries: the stars speak to you of great strength in the emotional field, of reevaluating your relationships and of understanding that all cycles have an end. It is not regarding your relationship ending, but regarding how feelings and social interactions with your partner have been transforming.
Horoscope free today Taurus August 9
My dear Taurus: there is a big problem that torments you and it has to do with finances. It seems prudent to me that you do not stay still and that you move looking for what you have to look for. Luck accompanies you, but it is not good to lean on it and let life surprise you with a dirty trick.
Free horoscope today Gemini August 9
My dear Gemini: Being outgoing, chatty and enigmatically charismatic is something that is in the nature of your zodiac sign; However, one of the tips for today is that you evaluate stopping standing out so much and putting yourself in the spotlight, because this causes envy and puts you in a scenario where they demand more of you, where you can be harmed.
Free horoscope today Cancer August 9
My dear Cancer: this week is a propitious moment for you to deal with the internal transformations that you are carrying out and that are constituting an important emotional change for you and your psychic world. Crying, feeling, experiencing pain and satisfaction for doing it, is not bad. On the contrary, it will mean spiritual renewal.
Free horoscope for today Leo August 9
My dear Leo: Judging everyone around you as if you were an eternal father or a mother of the world that observes and evaluates, is not always the way to build healthy relationships. This not only applies to love, but to the family. You need to understand that everyone is in a differential process and that you need to stand in someone else’s shoes.
Free horoscope today Virgo August 9
My dear Virgo: Good wishes in love and at work: somehow you are sentenced to excel in all the activities to which you put effort. You are going to have an important female guide to channel help and sponsorships. It is a good time to accept her good advice, they will strengthen her spirit. Watch out for the joints. Take care and don’t expose yourself to silly accidents.
Free horoscope today Libra August 9
My dear Libra: Be very careful with the idealization of the couple. live a moment of Triumphs in love. This card shows a period of reverie, emotional balance, self-confidence, love, fulfillment. You will experience good health: What is going to be important on this day are the material successes and above all, professional ones. The stars recommend that you do not give up on the purpose of starting to climb within your organization.
Free horoscope today Scorpio August 9
My dear Scorpio: Do not be stubborn regarding things that you know will not come to fruition. Your behavior as a leader in your organization cannot be subject to giving orders, without giving guidance to your subordinates. Remember that more than employees, you have a team that you must support from the leadership and not from the boss.
Free horoscope today Sagittarius August 9
My dear Sagittarius: taking charge of your debts and financial commitments, standing up to your creditors is vital for the paths of financial prosperity to open up for you. It cannot continue to happen that you insist on hiding from life. It’s been a long time since circumstances have shown you that you lived in a bubble and that when it explodes, the only way is to face it.
Free horoscope today Capricorn August 9
My dear Capricorn: do not turn your back on your relatives. Be careful with that, hiding and not wanting to participate in the processes of family construction. Stop that mania of cloistering yourself in a bubble because that doesn’t work. Sometimes it seems like you use people to your whim, but when they need you, you run away and turn your back.
Free horoscope today Aquarius August 9
My dear Aquarius: you are in a vital and important moment for personal growth. Do not waste it looking the other way and pretending that this moment is not with you. It is vital that the challenges that come and that you asked for in order to move forward in life, are looked at head-on.
Free horoscope today Pisces August 9
My dear Pisces: it is important that you learn to manage your resources and your emotions. Don’t lose track of things that have been important to you. If you were in a body process, continue and do not faint. The slope is not in a straight line, so you are allowed to fall at times, but the important thing is that you get back on track with strength and with a lot of conviction. Don’t be daunted by sad things.