what the Rekrute study reveals about the post-Covid professional world

The coronavirus crisis has had a heavy impact on business habits. Almost two years following the arrival of Covid-19 in our dailies, the Rekrute firm published on January 3 the results of a survey conducted among 2,700 employees on the changes brought regarding by the pandemic on their daily lives. Here’s what to remember.

1.A preference for a hybrid operating mode

While 38% of companies participating in the survey claim to have maintained a face-to-face operation, 62% of Moroccan companies surveyed by Rekrute have adopted a hybrid operating mode combining telework and face-to-face. Among them, 13% have completely switched to teleworking.

2.A voluntary initiative

The change in the way companies operate does not usually result from a unilateral decision. 72% of teleworkers who took part in the study state that they have voluntarily opted for this mode of operation.

3. A notable gain in productivity

71% of respondents say they are more productive by working remotely despite technical difficulties. It should also be noted that 80% of employees prefer conference calls, judging them to be more effective than physical meetings. 81% of respondents believe that it was easier to work remotely in 2021 than in 2020 despite the technical difficulties that this entails.

4. Additional involvement and investment

72% of teleworking employees surveyed by Rekrute have set up a workspace at home, which shows that they intend to invest in it in the future. This is mainly due to the many advantages perceived by these employees: time savings, a better balance between private and professional life as well as the reduction of stress and fatigue.

5. Employee satisfaction

57% of Moroccan employees say they prefer the hybrid way of working, of which 25% prefer to work only remotely. 67% of teleworkers are satisfied with teleworking, of which 25% go so far as to describe it as “extraordinary”. On the other hand, a third do not seem really satisfied with the experience. Among them, some evoke numerous drawbacks linked to this way of working: the lack of recognition, a greater workload and the difficulty of remote management.



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